19 | Escape

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I stood near a desk that sat to the side of a large room. Trixa had disappeared shortly after bringing me here, claiming she would be back. Two large men stood at the door, eyes directed ahead and posture stiff. They, like everyone else I had seen so far, were weirdly attractive to the point it was strange.
I tried to keep calm while quietly surveying the room, weighing up my options. I felt that if I tried to leave now, the two big men would defiantly stop me. Which meant my only chance had been in that room with Trixa. I cursed inwardly.

I again reached out to my powers instinctively, expecting that strange sensation of being just out of reach, instead I felt my mind brush the edge briefly. Whatever had been blocking my powers were significantly weaker here than in the prison room

I was too distracted on trying to fully grasp my powers I didn't hear the heavy footfalls coming up the hallway outside the room. The door swung open roughly, narrowly missing the man to the left. I felt the air shift as a tall, ridiculously good-looking man, with broad shoulders and arms the size of my thigh entered the room. With features chiselled to perfection, it even made the dark and stony look on his face attractive. As he gazed around the room, stirring something inside my chest.

It was the good-looking caveman. Trixa's...King?

When his eyes landed on me, beautiful shades of green and gold, I quivered with desire, a primal part screaming out to this man to ravage me with his hands and mouth. I kept my face neutral as we stared at each other, time seeming to stand still, everyone waiting for their Alpha's reaction. I could feel myself almost begging him to move, to let my hands explore those large muscles, to feel his hair between my fingers...

"Honestly" her high voice drifted from behind Daegon as Trixa stepped around the large man, perfectly gorgeous features stunning, snapping me from my fantasies of what this man could do. She flicked her long, white blonde hair over her shoulder, hand on hip "if you two try to start ripping each others clothes off in front of everyone, I can, and will, put you both in time out" her smirk told me she knew something I didn't

The Lycan King gave out a warning growl, watching the others in the room shrink from the immense power this man exuded. Trixa, however, seemed unfazed by his hostility, instead she strutted towards where I was standing, her long slender legs carrying her swiftly forward; she was almost in front of me in three strides, her eyes now glowing brightly.

Regardless of our little talk earlier, I still didn't know what these people wanted. I felt myself tense, feet moving into a defensive position as I forced through that blocking barrier and gripped my Aura power. It was a weak hold, but it was better than nothing. Trixa's glowing pale blue eyes widened, advance faltering. Over her shoulder I saw Daegon take a step in our direction, a look crossing his stony face that was almost irritation.

"You can access our powers? But...you're human?" She sounded unsure of herself, that confident demeanour slipping slightly to show a hint of fear, she looked over her shoulder at Daegon. I looked between her and the Alpha, heart quickening as I tried to plan an escape route if they attacked me now. Even though every part of my being was screaming that the large and dominating man would not harm me, the survival part knew better than that

"Impossible. This world and its humans are not compatible with our magic" his deep voice sent a shiver down my spine, but I held my neutral exterior

"I think after everything that's happened Daegon, the impossible we knew back home, is now highly probable in this world" Trixa regarded me, her eyes enchanting and perfectly full lips pursed "this just got interesting"

"How is it you have access to our Aura power?" Daegon demanded. I glared at the Alpha, clenching my jaw tight. Trixa tisked

"You aren't going to get answers from someone who is in complete flight mode Eggie. You haven't even heard her speak" the smile she gave was comforting, but these people had kidnapped me from the Tower, and I felt far from comfortable.

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