13 | When worlds collide

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Xavier's voice cut through our argument, both sets of eyes snapping to him, the anger and annoyance that hit me was confusing; he had never been this irate towards me. But I felt it in my chest, how mad he was, how upset he had been when I had leapt from that wall. I watched from his eyes how the scene had unfolded, the panic and fear that ripped through him almost bringing tears to my eyes, niggling that switch deep inside me at his emotions.

My anger died in an instant, regret stabbing at my heart as understanding set it. I saw Liam look at me in confusion, his own anger dwindling away when he felt my emotions respond in the way he had been trying to explain.
He still didn't understand that screaming at me would never change things.

I swallowed, shame replacing my anger "I never want to be the one to come and tell Rohnan that his mum would not be coming home" he added quietly. Tears welled in my eyes at that statement. I let out a shaky breath, feeling more deflated then I had in a long time

"I'm sorry Xavier. I often forget feeling and emotions  are effected by my actions" I glanced over at the Alpha "Yours included Liam" our Alpha ran his hand through his hair. Xavier was a blessing, I often took for granted his presence; if he had not been here this conversation would have continued in the hostile direction, leading to a fight that would not have ended pretty.
I decided then that I needed to explain what I had seen, and experienced. This was no longer just about me, or the Tower. "There's something you both need to see" I closed off my link to all others except Liam and Xavier, allowing me to recount my memories of the night.

I saw Xavier stiffen at the sight of the nightmare, a sharp hiss as he drew in a breath when it had sliced my back open. But when the unnatural man's face appeared both men went ridged, a strange feeling ripping through them as they watched the moment unfold. And when the strange man disappeared I heard a low growl emanate from Liam.

"What the hell was that?" I shrugged, obviously just as confused as he was. Liam let out a grunt, gripping his chest as he breathed out a "what the" I frowned at him, only then feeling his wolf attempting to break out. I looked at Xavier, eyes wide in panic; why they hell was it reacting this way?

"What's wrong?"

"It's...it's like it wants.....agh what the hell" he grunted, falling to the floor on one knee, hand still gripping his chest. I lurched forward, hand grabbing his shoulder as a sudden rage flowed through me; it was coming from his wolf! I felt as my powers entered his body, soothing that beast and pushing it away. My hand warmed where it was connected to the Alpha and after a while I felt his human presence regain control. Liam's eyes locked with mine, beads of sweat forming on his forehead "what the hell was that?" I just stared at him, unable to give and answer

"It was like my wolf inside became enraged by the sight of that man" Xavier piped up, I glanced at him, only then understanding how close we had been to total chaos in the tower. If I hadn't closed off our link, and the pack had reacted the same way as the Alpha....
I couldn't even allow myself to think of the consequences.

"Why weren't you affected the same way?" I questioned, staring at Xavier. He gave a small shrug

"Don't get me wrong, I felt the rage and disgust that Alpha Liam did, but somehow I was able to keep it under control" Questions flew through my head

Was it because Xavier was different from the rest? Because he was a first Gen Aura did that give him the ability to have more control?

I looked back down at Liam, feeling his hand cover mine as his breathing evened out. Things were becoming increasingly difficult and confusing, the possibility that this threat was due to Clarice and I connecting was becoming a reality.

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