03 | Selfish never changes

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Glen effortlessly picked her up and tossed her into the air, her squeals of delight causing my chest to tighten. Even after the world ended, they were selfish enough to try and start a family, the small scar that ran down her cheek and arm told me there were more than one occasion she had barely survived at all.

I should have left him to die.

I saw Jax looking at me strangely, eyes searching mine and I quickly, with much difficulty, resumed a neutral expression. Even though he could not see my whole face, the eyes gave away too much for comfort.

"Thank you for getting us back to our family" Jax said quietly. I glanced down at him

"Don't mention it, from this hell hole you've dragged me to I'd rather not be thanked by being eaten"

"When do we leave?" he asked, a little too loudly and ignoring my comment. I saw heads snap in my direction; I had hoped to keep our depature quiet

"Are we leaving?"

"Where are we going?"

"Are we going to safe Haven?"

"Is it safe?"

Questions were fired as they closed in around me. My defensive instincts kicking into overdrive, wanting me to get out of there and away from the dangers these people brought. I felt my fingers twitch, wanting to grab out my knife in self defense as a spike of adrenaline heightened my senses.

"Guys! Guys back up! Give her some space" Jax stood up, putting himself between me and the group "She probably hasn't seen a group this size in years" he added. Internally I scoffed but kept that to myself. Most listened to Jax as they moved back to where they had been sitting or standing, muttering to themselves, but a few, the ones with the most hope plastered over their face, stayed where they were, pressing themselves around Jax

"Are you our salvation?" one of the older women asked, hands clasped together over her chest as if in prayer. My eyes flicked to the rosery beads clutched in her hand and I scoffed

"With this dead end being your hideout? I wouldn't count on it" I replied callously, looking away. Murmurs rippled through the group as Jax gave me a worried glance. I let out an irritated sigh, this was not what I had planned, and now that I had cornered myself I had limited options on what I could do. Without my Alpha here to lend me strength I could not transport all these people to safety.

Jax ushered the remaining people away and walked back over to where I stood, his daughter clinging to his side, her big blue eyes staring up at me and I resisted the urge to look; I could sense the Aura power swirling within her. Whether her father knew or not was not clear; that was a problem for another day.

"What now?" he asked. I stopped myself from giving an irritated look to the man. My sympathy stretched only so far, but these people didn't need to know that. I was already a day late from when I was supposed to return, and considering I was not supposed to be out in the first place I was already going to be in trouble when I returned to the Tower.

"In less than an hour the Ferals are going to swarm this building, sniff out where you are hiding and have a merry little feast with the buffet you have served them" I said venomously, crossing my arms over my chest

"What is wrong with you?" Jax asked, perplexed at my hostility. I turned my exasperated gaze to the man

"I'm not the one that decided on hiding a group this large, in a room that has only one entry and exit! I'm not the one that thought it a good idea to run rampant through a city still crawling with Ferals, Nightmares and every other beast you could think of. I've been asking the same question since I saved both your asses" I placed my hands on my hips, glaring at Jax "How the fuck have any of you survived this long, with being this stupid?"

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