Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Liu Chang and Li Yiming were the first to arrive, and they had already opened a few bottles of alcohol and were singing with microphones in hand.

Ruan Yu Er was also there, teasing Liu Chang about his husky voice.

He Qian and Xue Xingyi walked in, and the room became lively with their arrival.

Liu Chang was wearing a somewhat tacky birthday hat and shouted, "Our leader and Little Five are here! Everyone's here; let's get started!"

Ruan Yu Er asked, "How are we drinking? Should we use glasses?"

Liu Chang replied, "Of course, we should use glasses. Civilized people don't drink without glasses!"

After five bottles, He Qian was the first to abandon her glass, and there was a pile of empty bottles at her feet.

They had cocktails, dark beer, basically no low-alcohol content drinks.

Liu Chang enthusiastically shouted, "Our leader has finished warming up! Come on, let's start shaking the dice!"

"What are we playing? Sic Bo?"

"Damn, isn't there something that doesn't require thinking? I think I've already had too much!"

Xue Xingyi sat on the couch and joined them for a few drinks. He wasn't the talkative type, but the term 'little lover' had made his heart skip a beat.

Now, they were at the bar, playing drinking games at the table.

Ruan Yu Er said, "I can tell that our Little Five doesn't know these kinds of social games. Leader, can you teach him?"

He Qian, holding a bottle and singing, turned her head towards the microphone and said, "He knows, I asked him on the way here."

Ruan Yu Er exclaimed and turned to look at Xue Xingyi.

He appeared delicate and from a wealthy family. He didn't seem like the type for social games. However, Xue Xingyi reached out, picked up the dice, and skillfully started playing with them.

And he was quite good at it.

But everyone was having a good time playing.

Among the four Alphas, He Qian was the youngest in terms of age. The reason she became the leader was because she proposed a challenge: if you're an Alpha, you should be able to hold your liquor!

Alphas hated being provoked, and all three of them were skilled drinkers back in junior high. When challenged like this, they confidently went to the bar. However, by the end of the night, all three of them were completely drunk, while He Qian was the only one still standing.

Now, after consuming a dozen bottles of alcohol, it was clear that He Qian was still sober, while the others were somewhat swaying and beginning to speak incoherently.

At this point in their drinking, each person was trying to figure out how to stay sober and seize the opportunity to mock the others.

Xue Xingyi had drunk the least, but his face had a faint blush.

While the three of them were engaged in their drinking competition, He Qian scooted over a bit, brushing her hand against Xue Xingyi's arm. "Are you okay?"

When Alphas drank too much, they often released pheromones. However, when He Qian had arrived, she had sprayed everyone with a pheromone blocker, claiming it was to prevent the Alphas from getting into a fight when drunk. As a result, there wasn't a strong scent in the room at the moment.

Xue Xingyi replied, "I'm fine."

He Qian continued, "You didn't have to come here, after all, you're not an Alpha."

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