誕生 - birth

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Unknown pirate ship, sailing on the East Blue waves


The gorgeous blonde woman's eyes opened wide. She sat up and looked around her, her heart racing from the sudden wake up. She let out a sight of relief as she recognized the place she was in. She was sitting in her very own bed inside her wooden room, her best friend sitting by her side, a worried look on his face. He was a very handsome, kind looking blonde man with glasses which gave him kind of a nerd look, but they suited the shape of his face very nicely.

"Jin-kun, it's you. Damn, you almost gave me a heart attack!" she laughed.

She looked at the man who wasn't smiling a bit, he looked very concerned which immediately confused the woman, "What is it?" she asked in a worried trembling voice as she tried to sit down comfortably, which wasn't the easiest thing knowing her belly was the size of a huge pumpkin.

The man looked down quietly, as if he was trying to find the right words, playing anxiously with his fingers. After a good minute of silence, he finally looked up at her and said with an unusual trembling voice, "Sayaka-chan... I know how much you've been avoiding this conversation lately but we need to have it. I've been thinking and... counting."

The woman stared at him attentively with a still very confused look on her face, "Counting, you say?"

"Indeed. You've been pregnant for about 8 months now."

The woman gave him an amused smile and a nod, softly caressing her belly, "What about it?"

Jin frowned, "Listen, we need to drop the anchor as soon as possible to find a place, a safe and stable place for you."

Sayaka let out a nervous chuckle, "But I am in a safe and stable place."

"Is a pirate ship a safe and stable place to you?"

The woman smirked, "Well... I have to admit it isn't stable every day but-"

"Sayaka-chan. Please." he muttered under his breath with a stern look on his face.

Sayaka took a deep breath, "I can give birth and raise my baby here. This ship is my home, Jin-kun."

He let out a sight, "You're being selfish."

The woman slightly backed up in her sitting position, clearly offended, "I'm sorry?"

"This child will be there soon. You don't really plan on raising a child on a pirate ship, do you?"

"And why not, huh?" Sayaka huffed.

Jin got up and breathed deeply, "Because we are pirates, you idiot. You know damn well this isn't a safe place, especially for a child. You're aware of the amount of awful things that could happen here, you're only refusing to face this sad reality because you selfishly want to stay a pirate. But you can't. You can't put an innocent hopeless child through this kind of life, even if this the life that you want for yourself, you can't possibly want this life for a kid. You seriously want them to grow up in constant danger? Do I have to remind you that we know for a fact that the Marines are already aware of your pregnancy? Once the baby is born they won't wait a second to attack our ship and kidnap this baby to make them their hostage. And that. That's only one out of a dozen of possibilities."

Sayaka looked down as she felt her heart tighten in pain inside her chest, tears filling up her eyes, her lips trembling, "I am to choose, then."

"Choose?" Jin questioned, frowning.

"I am to choose between being a pirate or raising the baby, right? If I choose one I'll have to give up the other." she cried.

Jin's eyes widened. He immediately sat besides his sobbing friend before wrapping his arms around her, "I know how much you love this life. I know how much you love being a pirate. But nothing keeps you from going back to the seas once your child is old enough. Maybe they'll want to be pirate too, just like their wonderful mother."

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