悪夢 - nightmares

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Airi woke up suddenly, her heart racing. She was covered in sweat and an headache was pounding painfully against her forehead. She just had a nightmare, again. 

Ever since Luffy announced her he was ready to leave the island, Airi had been feeling quite anxious. She would not get the chance to rest, nightmares kept waking her up every single night. And it was the very same nightmare every time; Airi looking for Luffy and never finding him. 

She knew she was the one who insisted for him to leave without her, but the very idea made her feel sick. She was terrified that once they would separate ways, she would never be able to find him again. She would probably have to set sail by herself and she had no idea how she would even do this safely. Luffy meant so much to Airi, she couldn't think of becoming a pirate or chasing her dreams without him. That wouldn't make sense if he wasn't by her side. 

She was also terrified because Luffy leaving would mean she would have to deal with Jin's upcoming death alone, sooner or later. Luffy wouldn't be here anymore. Without Jin or Luffy, Airi would be all alone. And that thought was absolutely horrifying for her. 

Airi took a look at her bedroom's window, it was still dark outside. She let out a sight and turned on the little lamp on her bedside table. She looked around her, everything was so quiet. She thought it was relaxing until she started picturing the house without Jin or Luffy. If both of them were gone right now, she would be all alone. And the silence now seemed terrifying. 

She sat up in her bed and tried to take a couple of deep breaths, "It's gonna be okay." 

As she felt like voices in her mind were screaming about all the things she didn't wanna think about, she thought of one thing; Luffy never said he was going to leave without her. Even though Airi had told him to, he never mentioned once that he was planning on doing so. Her mind suddenly calmed down and the quiet came back. She knew she was for sure being in denial right now, but at least it helped calming her anxiety down a little.

She shook her head, as to shove off the bothering thoughts she had. She got up and made her way to the kitchen to take a glass of water. 


Airi's heart dropped to her stomach. She turned around, "What the hell!?" 

Luffy was standing there, he looked like he was still half asleep. 

"What are you doing here?" 

Luffy yawned, unbothered, "I wanted to come by and see you but Jin said you were already asleep."

Airi frowned, something wasn't right, "How come you're still here in the middle of the night?"

The boy ruffled one hand through his messy dark hair, "Hmm..."

Airi took a step closer to her friend and looked up at him, "What is it?" 

Luffy let out a sight, "Jin was worried about you. He asked me to stay over tonight, just in case." 

The blonde girl raised in eyebrow in confusion, "What- why?" 

"He thinks you're having tough nights. He said he's been hearing you crying in your sleep every night. He sounded really worried and he wanted me to stay to look after you in case you'd wake up from a nightmare or something."

Airi looked at the boy with widen eyes and parted lips, taken aback. She was grateful for how caring Jin was, but the fact that he would ask Luffy to do the kind of things he used to do himself only proved one point; he was getting weaker. 

She felt two hands holding both of her shoulders, comfortingly, "Are you okay?" Luffy asked, taking in every detail of Airi's face, as to search for the tiniest bit of weakness.

As she was now watching Luffy with glossy eyes, she spoke out softly, "I'm tired." 

Luffy squeezed her shoulders and gave her such an innocent comforting smile, "Let's sleep then!"

Airi only stoop there, looking at him with both confusion and amusement, "What?"

Luffy grabbed the girl's hand and started leading her to her own room, "C'mon, you definitely need some rest." 

"I- I can't." 

Luffy stopped in his track and turned to her with a questioning look. 

"I can't rest..."

Even though the girl hadn't said anything, Luffy already seemed to know exactly what she was referring to. He kept leading her to her bedroom, until they were both inside. The boy sat on the edge of her bed, looking at her intently, "So Jin's right, you're having nightmares?" 

Airi averted her eyes from his, playing nervously with the ends of her blond hair. 

"Airi. What's wrong?" Luffy questioned, with a softer voice. 

She pursed her lips, avoiding her friend's gaze, "Everything's fine."

"Why can't you rest, then?" 

Airi let out a sight before sitting on her bed, "Because of the nightmares." 

"Tell me about them." Luffy suggested. 

Airi looked up at him, he was giving her an encouraging smile. Even though Luffy could be acting goofy most of the time, he was a very good listener when he cared enough. Airi was grateful she was someone Luffy cared about. 

The thing was, Airi couldn't tell him about the nightmares she had been having, otherwise, Luffy would never consider leaving without her. And she didn't want him to waste months or maybe even years staying here with her when he should be sailing towards the Grand Line. 

"They're about Jin." Airi lied, looking down at her sheets. 

Luffy nodded calmly, "I thought so. But you know I'm here, right? You're not alone in this." 

Airi felt a sharp pain in her chest, "Luffy. You-"

"I'm not leaving without you." Luffy cut her off, as he guessed exactly what she was about to say. 

She looked at him, stunned. She gulped, silently debating if she should convince him or not. 

"Luffy, listen. You'll have to leave without me. You're ready, you need to go now. The sake of me shouldn't be stopping you from leaving. I don't want you willing to wait for months or even years on this island just so we can go to sea together. Please, don't sacrifice the time you should be spending as a pirate for me." 

Luffy remained silent for a while before getting closer to the girl and finally speaking out, "Let's make a deal, then."

Airi looked up at him, "A deal?" 

"No, a promise. Let's make a promise. We'll find our way back to each other, and once we do we'll never separate again." 

The girl felt warm tears filling up her eyes, she nodded eagerly, "I promise." 

Luffy smiled, "I promise." 

Airi jumped into Luffy's arms, wrapping her arms around his torso and hugging him tightly. He hugged her back almost immediately, gently rubbing her back. 

"What if I never find you?" the girl whispered against his chest. 

"You will, Airi. I know you will."

She quietly nodded, enjoying the sound of his heartbeat against her ear and the warmth of his arms. 

The girl had ended up falling comfortably asleep into the boy's arms. Luffy looked down at the sleeping girl, letting a smile draw on his lips. He picked her up, careful no to wake her up and laid her on her bed before covering her with a soft blanket. 

"Good night, Airi." he whispered before leaving her room and going back to Sayaka's one that Jin let him borrow. 

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