別離 - separation

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Airi couldn't sleep that night, she knew that Shanks had saved Luffy and that they were both safe now, but Shanks had lost an arm at the sake of saving Luffy's life

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Airi couldn't sleep that night, she knew that Shanks had saved Luffy and that they were both safe now, but Shanks had lost an arm at the sake of saving Luffy's life. Airi felt upset for some reason. As she was laying silently in her bed, she suddenly started hearing her mother's and godfather's voice arguing loudly from the kitchen.

"Sayaka-chan. How many times have we talked about this? She is six years old, for God's sake!" the man shouted.

"Don't you think I know that? She's my daughter!"

"Well, if you actually knew it, you would never consider leaving!"

The woman started crying, "I don't want to leave her and you know that. But this... t-this is my chance, Jin, I need to go with Shanks..."

"You really need to abandon your own daughter for the sake of a pirate life? Do you hear yourself talking?"

"What... What if I never get the chance to be a pirate ever again? This is my only chance, Jin. This is my dream. I'm sure she'll understand."

"Understand? Sayaka, your daughter is six! She needs her mother! How can you even expect her to understand?" the tone of his voice saddened.

"Being a pirate requires sacrifices and-"

"Sacrifices?! Is this what your daughter mean to you, now?!"

Airi slowly made her way to the kitchen, feeling a painful lump in her throat, "M-mom?"

The two adults turned around, taken aback. They looked at the girl with horrified eyes, speechless.

Airi felt her heart tightening painfully in her chest, tears falling down over her cheeks. She struggled to breath as she felt panic overwhelming her fully. Sayaka and Jin hurried to kneel in front of the girl, Jin trying to reassure her with smalls 'it's gonna be okay, darling, take a deep breath' meanwhile her mother was hugging the child against her chest, softly rubbing the top of her head to calm her down.

"Y-you.. leave me?" Airi tried to speak out through her ragged breathing.

"N-no, I just... I..."

"What d-did I do w-wrong?" the little girl sobbed loudly into her mother's shoulder.

There was not a single word that Sayaka could possibly use to answer this heartbreaking question, her throat was so knotted that no sound would come out, Jin noticed and carefully tried to pick the right words, "Darling, look at me. There is not a thing you've ever done wrong. See, your mom is running out of pirate adventures to tell, she was thinking of joining Shanks so one day she could come back with new amazing stories for you."

"I don't n-need new s-stories!" the girl cried, "Don't leave me!"


Airi pulled away from her mother's hold and ran to her room, slamming the door behind her. She jumped into her bed and let her tiny body sob violently under the cover, feeling such an awful kind of pain inside her chest. She could hear her mother and Jin arguing violently but her loud sobbing kept her from actually catch what they were saying. She hugged tightly her mother's silk bandanna against her chest.

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