年を取る- getting older

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Eleven years later, in Foosha Village, East Blue

"Airi-chan! Breakfast's ready, darling!" Jin called happily from the kitchen.

Airi looked at herself in the mirror one more time before leaving the bathroom, she had grown up at lot, she was now such a gorgeous young woman. Once she had tied her white silk bandanna around her neck, she made her way to the kitchen, greeting her godfather with a hug, "Good morning, chef!"

Jin had became a professional cook over the years, he was now working in Makino's bar's kitchens, he was very well known around the island for cooking the most delicious food. It all started after Sayaka left, when he eventually had to cook everyday. He started learning and cooking ended up being his new hobby. Airi had been his biggest supporter all the way.

"This looks delicious, is that a new recipe?" Airi said, picking up a piece of a fluffy looking pancake on the top of her fork.

"It is, actually! I'd need you to try it out and share your thoughts on it!"

As soon as the piece of pancake touched Airi's tongue, her eyes widened, "That'ch cho good!!!"

Jin laughed, "I'm glad, then."

They heard a knock on the door and Airi got up from her seat to open it. She was met with two stretching arms wrapping around her waist twice, "Ahah, good morning to you too, captain!" she hugged her friend's neck.

Luffy slightly pulled away, looking at his friend with a grin. The boy also had grown up a lot, he was much taller than Airi now, the scar under his left eye had scarred over the years but was still very much visible, just like the girl had once guessed, it now looked very cool, at least, that's what Airi thought. He had fluffy, nearly curly, soft black hair, that Airi wouldn't miss an occasion to put a ruffling hand into, and he was always wearing Shanks' straw hat proudly on top of his black locks. From the girl's eyes, he was quite good looking, but she wouldn't even try to admit to herself, anytime she did, she would feel her stomach flutter and her heart racing, and she preferred not to even try understanding what the hell this feeling was.

And right now, the boy was grinning at her, the morning sunrising light matching perfectly with how radiant he looked, and Airi could only feel like she had fluttering over a million butterflies inside her stomach again, just by feeling his gaze on her and seeing him grin like this. Airi quickly averted her eyes from the boy as she could feel her cheeks and ears burn.

"Luffy-san, did the sweet scent of my new recipe drive you here?" Jin joked, earning a huge smile from the boy as well. "You should get some before Airi eats everything."

Airi put a hand over her heart, dramatically pretending to be offended, "I wouldn't do such a thing."

"Yeah, right. I'm glad I arrived before you do that," Luffy stated teasingly before seating at the table.

"Look who's talking!!" Airi cried dramatically.

Airi heard a loud noise behind her, coming from where Jin was standing. She quickly turned around, only to see her beloved godfather holding tight onto a chair to keep his balance, as if he was about to fall, "Jin-san! Are you okay?" she asked with concern all over her face as she hurried to his side, "Did you trip?"

"I-I.." he tried to speak out through a now very ragged breathing.

The man suddenly looked very pale. His vision slowly blacked out as he fainted into Airi's arms that was holding him tightly with all her strength, "Jin-san!!!"

Luffy hurried to take the man from his friend's arm and picked him up, exchanging a knowing look with her. Airi started running as fast she could to get the town's doctor.

Meaning. Luffy x Original CharacterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon