会社 - company

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Airi had stayed an entire week in bed, recovering from her injuries. The crew would visit her every now and then, bringing her food or simply company. The only one who had barely ever left her side, was her captain. He would proceed to find all kind of excuses to stay with Airi. And the girl could not complain. It made her feel genuinely happy to get to spend time with Luffy. It reminded her of when they were younger, when they would spend most of their time together, simply enjoying each other's company. 

Airi was humming peacefully, watching Chopper carefully replacing her bandages by brand new ones. Her injuries were not badly hurting anymore, the hardest part was the itching from the scaring process of her wounds. 

Once Chopper was done, he looked up at the girl with a warming smile, "You've been healing way faster than expected. You should be able to get out of bed in a couple of days!" 

Airi nodded, a grateful grin on her lips, "Thank you so much, you're the best!!" she exclaimed, causing the reindeer's smile to only grow bigger as he insisted that her words were not pleasing him at all through a very pleased expression.  

Luffy entered the room, holding a couple of plates in his hands, a gentle grin plastering his lips. Just like he would every single day since Airi had been stuck in bed, he had brought her breakfast in the small office. Every morning, Airi would wake up by the loud arguing between the captain and the cook outside the door, both fighting over which one of them was going to bring the girl her breakfast in bed. For some reason, Luffy would always be the one coming in with the food. Airi highly suspected Luffy to use the 'captain's order' card in order for Sanji to give it up. 

And just like every other day, Luffy would sit next to the girl to share breakfast with her. Just like he would do for lunch and dinner as well. He hadn't been eating once with his crew during this past week. He would refuse to let Airi alone during those moments since she wasn't able to join the others in the kitchen for any meal, Luffy would bring her whatever Sanji would have cooked and eat with her to keep the girl company. 

If Airi had to be completely honest, the meals she shared with her captain were her favorite parts of the day. They would chat for hours, Luffy had this ability to light up every situation, this ability to make Airi laugh even when she felt too weak or too tired to even smile. The boy was such a ray of sunshine, he would simply bright up any room he would walk in. Without Luffy's company, the girl doubted she would have recovered so quickly. It felt like the positivity and joy that his presence was bringing her had only been healing her wounds at a faster pace, if this was even possible. Airi was certain that Luffy was her cure to anything, that his very company could be healing her in every way possible.

Airi's lips turned unto a grin as she saw Luffy walking in. Chopper walked his way out of the office to join the rest of the crew that was having breakfast together in the kitchen, meanwhile Luffy sat down on the wooden floor next to the girl's mattress, handing her a plate filled with pancakes, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Airi thanked him with a genuine smile and they both began eating happily. The blonde girl watched as Luffy proceeded to eat the entirety of his plate's containing in one single bite. She giggled at the sight and went back to her own plate. A stretched arm attempted to steal a couple of pancakes but Airi had quietly been expecting the very move, so she successfully slapped the arm away, "Hey!!" Luffy pouted. 

Airi allowed a teasing smirk, "Oh? You wanted some?" she questioned innocently, earning an eager nod from the boy next to her, "Deal, what do I get in exchange then?" she smirked again. 

Luffy's eyes widened and he let out a disappointed sight, "You sound like Nami." 

Airi chuckled and sent an affective teasing wink to the now pouting captain who was adjusting his straw hat on the top of his raven hair in frustration. Airi playfully pinched the boy's cheek with her fingers, "You're not pouting now, are you?" she teased. 

Meaning. Luffy x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now