ダーリン - darling

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A couple of days later, on the Thousand Sunny, Grand Line

Airi was sitting on the ship's railing, watching the calming waves of the sea as the Thousand Sunny was floating peacefully on them. She breathed in deeply the salty cold wind. Nothing that she had ever dreamed of was as good as the reality she was currently living in. Everything aboard this ship was feeling like home already. 

The day before, this very ship was leaving Water Seven. Unfortunately, the Marine had found out about Airi betraying the government to join the straw hat's pirate crew. She thought she had been successfully unnoticed all the way but it seemed like one Marine had seen her in the pirates' company and the word had been spreading fast. Airi knew that it was now only a matter of time until her name would be printed on a wanted poster with a bounty. Which she was feeling absolutely delighted about. 

"Airi-san!!" she heard, the sudden calling cutting her off her thoughts. 

She turned to face a very enthusiastic Sanji, "I'm about to cook some snacks, what would you like, my sweet Airi-san?" 

"Would some Makis be okay as a snack?" Airi suggested.

"Absolutely, anything you'd want, Airi-san!!" Sanji replied with a teething grin. 

"Alright then," the blonde girl smiled softly, "Would you like some help? My godfather used to be a cook, he taught me a few things."

"Really? Right when I thought you couldn't be more perfect!" he cried causing Airi to giggle in amusement. 

Sanji was one of a kind, she had to admit it. But although this entire gentleman, ladies lover attitude, he was such a very caring person. 

"Are you guys making Makis?" Robin questioned, a radiant smile on her lips. "If so, I'd love to join!"

"Robin-chan!!!" Sanji started swirling around, delighted.

"Wait! That sounds fun! I wanna do it too!" Chopper exclaimed, running behind Robin. 

The four of them made their way to the kitchen and got everything ready. Airi put her blonde wavy hair into a ponytail and tied it with her precious silk white bandanna. Once the rice was ready, they started making the makis, Airi and Robin taking the time to explain Chopper how to do so. 

Suddenly, the door bursted open and Luffy rushed in, "SANJI! FOOD!!"

He stopped in his tack and looked at his four friends, tilting his head, "Everyone's cooking?" 

"We're making makis!" Chopper exclaimed proudly, "It's really fun, you should try, Luffy!"

Airi winced playfully, "Oh, I wouldn't recommend that."

Chopper turned to the girl, looking up at her questioningly, "Why?" 

"It brings up bad memories. My godfather once tried to teach Luffy and I, but..."

"Hey!! It wasn't that bad!" Luffy cut her off, pouting. 

Airi laughed as she thought of the memory, cooking was definitely not one of Luffy's skills, "That's fine, captain, you can always learn!" she said. 

Airi started explaining the process to a very curious Luffy who was surprisingly listening to her very intently, "Sanji, would you mind handing me the salmon, please?" 

The cook quickly handed it to her, "Here, darling." 

Airi's smile immediately faded. Sanji looked at her with confusion as he noticed she wasn't taking the salmon from his hands, in fact, she was not moving at all. She felt frozen into place, as if she could not move a single muscle. 

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