再会 - reuniting

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Airi hadn't felt this good in such a long time. She sticked up to Koby's plan and used her Devil Fruit's abilities to turn invisible, following him and the other Marines closely behind as they were walking into the beautiful city that was Water Seven. Airi could feel her heart racing and a million of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. When she had stepped out of the Marines' boat, she thought of how this was her very last time there, and she swore she could have felt such an overwhelming amount of relief flawing through her entire body. In a few hours, she would be with Luffy, she would get rid of her Marine suit, she would finally meet his crew. In a few hours, she would be home. She couldn't believe of how close she was to getting to Luffy. This had been the only thing running through her mind the entire time since she had left her hometown. She would spend most her time sneaking into offices where the highest ranked Marines would reunite to discuss Luffy's latest ventures so she'd always be updated. But this was over now. She would never ever need to sneak or spy to know if Luffy was doing okay anymore. She would be with him all the way once they would reunite. 

The crowd of Marines made their way to a certain place they were told Luffy and his crew were staying at. Airi was, still unnoticeably following close behind, not averting her gaze from her pink haired friend. As they finally arrived, Airi faintly heard Garp telling Koby and Helmeppo to wait. The man took a couple of steps before unceremoniously breaking down the wall, revealing the very pirates that Airi had seen on the brand new Marines' wanted posters. Assuming they were Luffy's crew-mates, the girl's eyes immediately started searching around for a certain straw hat. 

She could feel her heart racing so fast she thought it would explode from her chest as her eyes landed on the boy. He seemed to be in a deep sleep. Airi smiled at herself, this was definitely the right boy. 

"Monkey.D.Luffy!" Garp exclaimed, "There are some men here who want to meet you."

Airi thought back of Koby's words, she was glad he hadn't mentioned her when Helmeppo and himself had asked the Vice Admiral to visit Luffy. Nobody would suspect her of anything. Even though Garp was now well aware of Luffy and Airi's friendship, he had not questioned anything, and the girl was hoping he wouldn't think much about it. 

A skinny blonde man, a taller blue haired man and a... reindeer? Stepped in between to protect Luffy, but Garp effortlessly jumped over them and threw his fist onto the sleeping boy, "WAKE UP!" 

Airi hold her gasp in as she watched with widened eyes. 

Luffy woke up immediately rubbing his forehead where he had just got punched, yelling in pain, "Wow that hurts!!"

The blonde guy turned to Luffy and screamed, "How come it hurts you so much, you're made of rubber!"

Garp chuckled, "That's because there is no defense... against a fist of love. You've been getting in a lot of troubles lately, haven't you, Luffy?" he addressed the wincing boy. 

Luffy looked up with widened eyes, stuttering, "G-grandpa!?" 

Everyone in the room let out loud confused gasps, and Airi put a hand to her mouth as an attempt to stay quiet and unnoticed. 

Garp only smiled, standing proudly in front of the boy that was still painfully rubbing the top of his head, "It's been a while. I think you owe me an apology, you've been up to no good."

"Garp never told us he had a grandson!?" one of the Marines stated, exchanging confused looks. 

Airi looked over at Koby and Helmeppo, to her surprise the both of them were looking as startled as she was. 

Meaning. Luffy x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now