強さ - strength

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A few months later, on a Marines ship, Grand Line

For the past few months, Airi had been spending every day wearing a Marine suit. Working in a seaborne military force for the World Government wasn't something she ever thought she would be doing. But this had its advantages. The ship she was on had already reached Grand Line, Marines boats were equipped with a Seastone layer, thus being able to cross the Calm Belts unnoticed, which made it easier to reach the Grand Line. All that mattered to the girl was that she was getting closer to wherever Luffy could be. She had learned a lot, she was now pretty good at fighting. And working kept her busy enough to not spend time overthinking. 

Every time the ship would land to a new island, Airi would use her invisibility abilities to sneak out without anyone noticing. She would simply walk around and search for any signs of a certain straw hat. She would take advantage of being invisible to steal some stuffs every now and then. Airi had been able to figure out her powers by now, which turned out to be pretty useful.  


Airi got caught off her thoughts, she turned around, "Koby? What is it?" 

"The Vice Admiral Garp asked me to escort you to his office." 

Airi got up and frowned, "Why?" 

Koby simply shrugged, "He says he's got questions for you."

"Okay, then." the girl sighted. 

She followed Koby around into the ship's corridors. When they finally reached Garp's office, Koby knocked and the door was opened by two Marines. 

"Airi, come in, please." 

The girl stepped in, confidently, hiding the confusion of wondering what kind of questions the Vice Admiral would be asking her.  

"You can stay, Koby." the man said before turning back to Airi, "Airi, where exactly were you when you've got enlisted to join the Marines?" 

Airi raised an eyebrow at the random question, "Foosha Village, sir." 

"Is that correct, Koby?" he questioned the pink haired boy. 

Koby nodded, "It is, sir." 

"How long had you been in Foosha Village, Airi?" 

Airi felt her body tensing up, now she could easily guess where this conversation was leading, "Well, my entire life, I've grown up there." 

Garp rubbed his chin, "I see. During your time living there, have you ever encountered a certain Luffy?" 

Her heart stopped at the name. Was this some kind of trap? She pressed her lips together, not knowing if she had to lie or not. 

Airi thought quickly. If she told the truth, what would it even change? 

"I have." she replied, truthfully. 

The man nodded, "Were you close to him?" 

Some happy memories she shared with Luffy came up to her mind, a small smile uncontrollably appeared on her lips. When she realized, she quickly took a serious look back before clearing her throat, "Hm... Yes, I was, sir." 

"Interesting." he started, looking down at a piece of paper that was laying on his desk, "You must know his head is worth a hundred thousand berries, then?" 

Airi tried her best not to smile again, "Well, I'm a Marine so I'm well aware of this kind of detail." 

"You wouldn't know where he is now, would you?" Garp asked, his voice getting a little colder. 

Meaning. Luffy x Original CharacterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz