雨 - rain

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The crew was out on the new island, meanwhile Airi had been stuck inside her room for the past two days. She wondered what kind of adventures they were having, an overwhelming amount of disappointment aching in her chest. Chopper had stayed by her side, helping her to get back on feet. For the past two days, the little reindeer had been her only company, and as much as the girl wished Luffy had stayed by her side as well, she couldn't deny how sweet Chopper's company was. Step by step, he had helped her to start walking again. Keeping her balance had been the hardest part, but after some training, she was finally able to walk normally again. The wound on her stomach was still tightly bandaged, nonetheless, she was now feeling a lot better. As much as she hated to admit it, those two days of staying aboard while the others were out visiting the island had actually been worth the wait.

Airi shifted in her bedsheets, watching the red clouds through the window with her head laying on her pillow. The sight was breathtaking. She hoped that Chopper would allow her to join the others on the island today. She got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, getting ready and changing into comfortable clothes. Once she was satisfied with the way she looked, she walked out of the bathroom and joined the kitchen in which Chopper was sitting by himself, reading a book.

"Good morning, doctor!" Airi smiled softly before sitting down next to him, grabbing some breakfast that Sanji had thoughtfully left for them.

Chopper gave her a warming smile, "Hi, Airi! How are you feeling?"

"A lot better, thank you!" she grinned.

Usopp walked into the kitchen, a desperate look over his face, "Hi, guys."

Airi looked up at him with curious eyes, "Usopp! You're back!" she exclaimed before tilting her head to take a glance behind him, but unfortunately he had came back alone, "Where are the others?"

The boy sat down at the table with them, "Oh, they're still on the island, they all went separate ways, though. Nami and Robin wanted to find out more about the island so they went looking for a library or something. Sanji and Franky were looking for some food and supplies. And I saw Luffy and Zoro walking off together but they might be lost by now."

Airi raised an eyebrow, "Why did you come back aboard? Is everything okay?"

Usopp let out a sight, "Uh... well yeah, I just... didn't like the weather."

The girl only sent a questioning stare to his direction, wondering if she had to consider the obvious lie. Usopp's eyes widened a little as he noticed her expression and he began stuttering, averting his eyes from the girl, "O-okay, okay! I ran off because I was scared..." he admitted, a defeated look covering his face.

"Scared? Of what?" Airi questioned him, giving him an encouraging smile for him to speak.

"This island is filled with fishmen and fishmen despise the human race more than anything. I'm sure they would have tried to harm me if I had stayed there longer." he explained with a frightened look.

Airi gave him an understanding nod, "That makes sens, I wondered why this land was built over water. Anyway, I've heard fishmen aren't so friendly with humans. Do you think the others are okay?"

"They're strong!" Chopper exclaimed, "I'm sure they'll be fine!" he said truthfully, earning agreeing nods from his two friends.

"Maybe I could try to join them?" Airi turned to Chopper, hoping for validation, "I'm feeling better and I can walk now!"

Chopper gave her a sweet smile, "You're in a better state, as long as you're being careful it should be fine now."

"Oi, wait Airi, hold on! You're not planning on going out there alone, are you?!" Usopp panicked.

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