溺水 - drowning

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The moment felt like pure magic. Nothing around the pair of them mattered anymore. It was just to the two of them intertwined. As they were melting into the kiss, both of them could feel their heart racing at a concerning pace, although it felt purely peaceful somehow. The overwhelming amount of love taking over them felt so new, special and unique. 

Airi slightly pulled away from the kiss to take a look at the boy in front of her, which only caused her heart to flip a couple times inside her chest. The way he looked at her as if he was physically and desperately craving more of her sent shivers down her spine. She chuckled nervously and opened her mouth in attempt to say something but was suddenly interrupted by a loud noise coming from outside the cell they found themselves locked in. 

Luffy immediately put a protective arm over Airi as his eyes narrowed to find the source of the incoming noise. A crowd of fishmen appeared behind the cell bars, their boss opening the cell to let his men in, "Grab the humans and take them to the hall!!" he ordered, "And make sure you handcuff both of them with sea stone, the idiots have eaten a Devil Fruit." 

Each fishman nodded and obeyed to their boss, making their way to the two prisoners. Luffy's grip on Airi tightened as he watched the men approaching them with the sea stone handcuffs. He frowned as one of them attempted to grab Airi's arm, "DON'T TOUCH HER!!" Luffy screamed out. 

The fishmen mocked him and bursted into laughters, ignoring the boy's warning. Luffy's expression immediately darkened, he could feel anger boiling in his veins. One of the fishman successfully grabbed Airi's forearm, squeezing it tightly and attempting to pull her away from Luffy's hold. Airi let out a scream as she weakly struggled to push the man away.

"I said... DON'T TOUCH HER!!!" 

All of sudden, the room went fully quiet. And the fishmen dropped to the ground, unconscious, one by one. Airi let out a breathless gasp as she turned to Luffy with widened eyes, "Conqueror's Haki..?" she breathed out. 

The only man that was still standing was the boss of the fishmen's crew. He watched Luffy with a puzzled expression. But it soon shifted to a very angry one, his eyebrows furrowing down as he looked at the blonde girl, "Since you don't want her to be touched, I'll let you watch her drown by herself." 

Before Luffy could even do anything, an incredibly heavy fist was sent onto his face, throwing him to the corner of the cell as he landed loudly against the wall. He groaned and looked up, only to see the fishman holding both of Airi's arms behind her back, locking the sea stone handcuffs around her wrists. He picked her up and began walking his way out of the cell. 

Luffy hurried to stand back up to run after him, "LET HER DOWN." 

The man chuckled ironically, "Don't worry, I will." 

"I WON'T LET YOU HURT HER AGAIN!!!" Luffy shouted, running after the fishman. 

Airi winced in pain as the man holding her squeezed onto her injured shoulder. Normally, she would have fought back, but the sea stone handcuffs that were locked around her wrists caused her dizziness, she was hopeless. Her vision was blurred but she could see Luffy running for his life, trying to catch her. 

The fishman then entered a large room that had a container made of glass in the middle. It looked like an aquarium, one that was big enough to contain... a human. As soon as Airi's eyes landed on the container, she immediately knew where this was headed. As much as she tried to fight back and to push the fishman away from her, she was too weak for her movements to have any impact, "LET ME DOWN!!" Airi screamed as she could see the glass container getting dangerously closer. 

"As you'd like." the man scoffed before opening a trap that was on top of the container and throwing Airi inside, motionlessly. 

Airi found herself locked between the four walls of glass surrounding her, there was no way of escaping. Through the glass, she could see Luffy's face decomposing at the sight of her. The girl tried to hit the glass but failed as her body went completely weak. 

She watched as Luffy threw an angry punch at the fishman, starting a violent fight between them. Airi felt something cold beneath her feet, she looked down only to find water slowly filling up the container she found herself in. She suddenly felt her body getting even weaker, dizziness and nauseousness causing her body to drop, splashing onto the wet ground, "Fuck." Airi muttered under her breath as all she could do was watch the sea water filling in. 

"Since you don't want her to be touched, I'll let you watch her drown by herself", Airi recalled the fishman's words from earlier.  She could suddenly feel goosebumps all over her body, fear and panic taking over her. She began using the very last amount of strength she had left to bang her fists against the glass, as an hopeless attempt to break it.

Airi could feel a knot in her throat getting more painful with each breath. She was tired. Exhausted. She was hurt, bleeding, locked in a container that was getting filled by sea water and the rollercoaster of emotions she just went through had definitely poured all of her energy out of her. Luffy was still battling, and it only was a matter of time until the water would surround her and drown her. 

Warm tears began to uncontrollably shed over her cheeks as her eyes were glued to her fighting captain, "Luffy," she said breathlessly, "Help m-me." 

On the other side, Luffy's entire body was now guided by a kind of rage he had never felt before. If he could kill that fishman on the spot, he would. He kept on throwing heavy fists onto the man's face, blood splashing everywhere, "I TOLD YOU. NOT TO HURT HER." he screamed his lungs out, punching the guy over and over again with no intention to stop. 

The water was now surrounding Airi's waist, the more the water kept going up, the harder it was for her to breath, she could feel overwhelming panic making her lungs struggle for air. She sobbed as all she could do was watch, locked in this cell of glass. The water was making her feel dizzy and numb, making it uneasy for her to have any type of control over her emotions anymore. She could no longer hold the tears in, she could no longer hold back the wince of pain that she had been holding for the past hour. All her muscles felt so numb that she struggled to stand the upper part of her body still. She hated with every cell of her body how miserable she was at this very moment. 

The water quickly reached the level of her chest, and in less than a minute, Airi could feel the water around her neck, "LUFFY!!" she screamed out from the top of her lungs as she watched him getting violently hit by the fishman. She trusted her captain with her entire heart, she knew that Luffy would defeat the guy, but would he do it in time before she would drown? 

Luffy's blood splashed over the outer part of the glass wall, Airi letting out a loud gasp at the sight. She couldn't see much of whatever was happening outside the glass anymore. She pressed her lips together as the cold water finally reached her chin. She took her last breath in and closed her eyes shut, letting the water covering the entirety of her body. Water quickly began filling in her lungs, she was no longer able to breath, choking into the water. 

Airi's thoughts reached for some of her memories, causing them to replay in her mind. She could see Jin's radiant smile almost so clearly, as if he was still her. It nearly felt as if he was holding her in his arms, embracing the pain away. "It's going to be okay, darling." she heard her beloved godfather's voice echoing into her ears. 

Meaning. Luffy x Original Characterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن