クリア - clear

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The sun was setting and Airi was peacefully styling her hair into a half-ponytail and tying her silk scarf around her neck, humming happily as she was getting ready to go out and meet up with Luffy. As she reached for a jacket in her drawer, she heard a cough coming from the room next to hers, which sent shivers down her spine. Holding in her breath, she quietly tiptoed her way to Jin's room.

The man coughed and opened his eyes slightly. Airi gasped and hurried to his side, "Jin-san!!"

She helped him sitting up in his bed, brought him water and food, gave him the time he needed to wake up, as grateful tears were quietly rolling down her cheeks.

"How are you feeling?" she questioned, concern all over her face.

The man gave her a weak smile, taking a small sip of water, "Just fine, darling."

"Oh, Jin-san..." Airi sobbed.

Her godfather gave her a knowing look before offering her a hug, "I'm fine, sweetheart."

Airi cried onto his shoulder, "Y-you're not... The doctor said-"

"I know."

The girl slightly pulled away from his arms to take a questioning look at him, "You know?"

"I didn't want to worry you, darling. All my ancestors were doomed to the same fate. I knew this would be my turn eventually..." he explained, before coughing.

"Isn't there anything that we can do?" the blonde girl nearly begged.

The man smiled, "There is something we can do, indeed. To enjoy fully the time I have left."

"D-don't say that... There must be a way out. I'll find something." Airi cried.

"Listen, honey. We'll enjoy the time we have left together. And once it's over, I want you to go after your dreams. And to never give them up. Promise me this, Airi-chan."

Airi remembered making the very same promise to her mom before, she nodded through her now violent sobs, "I-I promise."

They both heard a knock and the sound of the front door opening, followed by steps. Jin gave the girl a questioning look that she immediately answered with a warm smile. As Airi had expected, Luffy came in, concern all over his usually radiant smiling face.

"Luffy-san!" Jin smiled.

"Jin! You're awake!" Luffy exclaimed, a huge grin now on his lips, replacing the concerned expression he entered the room with, "Airi, you're okay." he stated, looking at her, as if he was affirming this to himself.

Airi's eyes checked her friend, she was wondering why he had such a concerned look on his face when he arrived. Was the fact that she didn't meet up with him like they had planned worrying him?

"Jin, there's something we'd want to ask you." Luffy started.

Airi frowned, "Luffy. He only just woke up. We should let him rest." she muttered under her breath, tensing up.

Jin put an arm on her shoulder and gave her a comforting smile, "I think I've been resting for long enough, haven't I?"

"Are you sure you're feeling okay, Jin-san? Talking can wait if you need some quiet."

"Spending time with you can not wait. Time is counted, sweetheart."

Airi felt a sharp pain in her heart. She nodded quietly as Jin turned to Luffy, asking him what his question was about. The boy looked up at his friend with an encouraging smile.

"Jin-san, remember that treasure Mom gave you before leaving with Shanks?"

Jin's face lighten up and an amused smile appeared on his lips, "Oh, it's time I tell you what's inside the box, isn't it?"

Meaning. Luffy x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now