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Airi had not even got the chance to rest from her panic attack from earlier that the ship was slowly reaching a brand new island, which meant Airi's very first step into her pirate journey, and also her first adventure with the straw hat's crew. Although the girl still felt a bit weakened, the announcement of a new island caused adrenaline to rush through her veins, immediately brushing any kind of tiredness away. 

Luffy and Airi were still sitting next to each other on the edge of the girl's bed. The captain's lips curled into a grin as he got up, offering Airi a hand. Airi quietly grabbed his hand and let the boy lead her to where the entire crew was now standing. They all watched the small island they were approaching with excited smiles. 

Nami's eyes searched their current location on her map, "I think we've reached Hareta Island."

Robin looked curiously over her friend's shoulder, "How fortunate, this island contains a huge village. We might be able to buy some supplies there." 

The Thousand Sunny kept floating closer to the island and Luffy ordered to drop the anchor. 

"So, what do we do, captain?" Airi questioned. 

"Let's go!!" he exclaimed, jumping off the ship's railing and landing effortlessly on the sand. 

Nami face palmed herself, "Whatever, let's pair up."

Franky and Usopp both said they were willing to stay on the ship as they had planned to build some new canons together. 

"Okay then, Sanji-kun you go with Zoro, you'll go get some food supplies." Nami claimed, handing the blonde cook a list of the things they were running out of. 

"Hold on, there's no way I'm pairing up with him." Zoro muttered under his breath. 

Nami ignored him as Chopper tugged on her shirt, "Robin and I would like to visit the library, I'd like some new medicine books!" he said and Nami nodded as an approbation. 

"Oi, Nami. Why can't I go with Airi?!" Zoro asked, looking rather bothered about pairing up with their cook. 

Nami pulled her tongue out at the swordsman and turned to Airi with a smile, "I'm already going with her. Let's go!" 

The six of them climbed down the ship and started making their way to the village before separating ways. Nami and Airi were walking side to side, pointing out at every little details they noticed in the town while chatting about anything.

"Luffy is still out of sight," Airi sighted, "I wonder where he'd go." 

"Don't worry about him, I'm sure he's in a restaurant or something." Nami assured. 

Airi nodded as they walked into the village. But the further they walked into the streets, the more villagers would turn around to look at them with terrified eyes. Both of the girls noticed them, unsurprisingly all those villagers had the newspapers in their hands. 

"Uh oh." Nami whispered. 

"Sweet, my bounty must be out by now!" Airi giggled earning a mad look from her friend. 

"Pirates!!" they heard. 

They turned around and noticed a crowd of armed villagers following them, "I saw them on the newspaper!! They're the straw hat's crew!!" 


The two girls started running away but the crowd seemed determined to catch them. Airi grabbed Nami's arm and leaded her to a tiny dead end street, "Skating..." she whispered as her entire body as well as Nami's one turned fully invisible. Thankfully, the navigator didn't question anything, as she was already aware of her Devil Fruit's powers. The villagers started looking for them in the dead end they were standing in, but they immediately gave up once they noticed that nobody was in there. They turned back around and started running again, to search for them in other streets. 

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