トラブル - trouble

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For weeks, Airi and Luffy would meet up every single day to play together and to spend time with Shanks and his crew. Every day felt like a dream to Airi. The little girl that was used to play alone in her room, spending most of her time daydreaming by herself, now had a friend. A friend that made it pretty clear he wanted to spend most of time in her company. Airi adored him, especially for how happy and optimistic he was, she thought Luffy was like a ray of sunshine, whenever he would join her up, she would feel immediately joyful for some reason. Airi loved the boy's company, and she cherished every memories she was making with him and was looking forwards the next ones every day. Sayaka and Jin were delighted to see their beloved girl having so much fun.

Just like every other day, Airi and Luffy were happily hanging out, following the Red-Haired pirates around. Today, Shanks had offered the two kids a tour of his very own ship, which had earned an overwhelming amount of excitement from both of them. As they were visiting the gigantic pirate ship, Shanks showed them around, gladly answering the children's questions. Airi was amazed, she was taking every detail in, daydreaming and picturing what her life could look like on such a massive heavenly looking ship. Luffy, on the other side, kept begging the red haired man to let him on his crew, unsuccessfully. While Shanks was showing Airi the ship's telescope, Luffy had decided to climb up on the figurehead of the ship. Shanks' gaze caught the little boy standing up on the edge of his ship and shouted out, "Hey, Luffy! What're you up to now?!"

Luffy brandished a knife, gripping it tightly in his hand, "I've had it with you guys!! Now you have to take me seriously!!" he screamed over the whole pirate crew watching him quietly from below, "This is how tough I am!!!"

Airi gasped before instinctively placing her now violently shaking hands over her mouth, "LUFFY!!!" she cried out, guessing what the boy was about to do.

Shanks laughed it off, "Ahahah! Get it over with! Whatever it is-"

Luffy suddenly stabbed himself hard in the face, leaving a deep bleeding wound under his left eye, squealing loudly in pain.

"You idiot!! What'd you do that for?!" Shanks shouted as he caught the bleeding boy in his arms, immediately ordering his crew to go get the needed supplies to stitch up his wound.

The pirates were helping and taking care of Luffy's wound, leaving a dozen of compresses soaked in blood on the floor. Airi was watching silently, sitting close to Luffy, hoping this would somehow bring him some comfort, with a very much concerned expression on her face. The boy winced in pain as they stitched him up.

"Are you okay?" Airi asked, worriedly.

"Of course," the boy smiled at her, trying hard not to wince again, "It didn't hurt a bit!"

"Yeah, right," the little blonde girl rolled her eyes playfully, "This is probably going to leave a deep scar though," she stated, examining his face attentively, "it might remain on your cheek for a while..." Luffy frowned and the girl smirked, "What? It looks so cool!!"

Luffy's expression immediately softened at the girl's excitement, "Does it, really?"

"Are you kidding? It's gonna be the coolest scar ever! You'll look even more like a pirate! It will definitely suit you when it'll scar!" Airi gave her friend a comforting smile.

"C'mon Airi, don't make him think it was cool... That was such a foolish thing to do, you know that, right Luffy?" Shanks said, but Luffy only shared an amused look with Airi before they both bursted into laughters.

Later in the day, Airi and Luffy were sitting at Makino's bar with Shanks, sharing a snack. Luffy had a plaster covering his now stitched up wound. The pirates crew were laughing loudly and kept pouring themselves beers. The atmosphere inside the bar was full of joy and excitement. Those pirates looked so happy, Airi thought.

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