赤い雲 - red clouds

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A/N; while I was sleeping last night I had a dream about One Piece and my brain literally proceeded to create a whole unique looking island.... when I woke up I was like, oh my god, this is it! so each detail of this entire chapter has literally been created by my brain while I was asleep ahah 

Airi opened her eyes, her eyelids feeling very heavy on top of them. She could feel the ship violently rocking from left to right, along with the sound of a rumbling thunderstorm and loudly pouring rain. Thunder echoed loudly into her ears, she slightly shifted to a half-sitting position as she gazed up through the small window, the sky looked very dark, gigantic thunderbolts illuminating and reflecting over the clouds. As weird as it looked, the sky had a very bright shade of red, something that Airi had never seen in her life before. She frowned as she remembered Nami's words from the day before; 'the weather is pleasant'. Then what was this? 

The Sunny was violently shaking from the aggressive waves, causing the girl to lose her balance in her sitting position, her upper body tumbled over, her chest landing on someone's. Airi looked up to see a very peaceful sleeping Luffy. She swore she could feel her heart jolting at the sight. She quickly remembered what leaded her captain to end up sleeping next to her, he had insisted to stay in case she would get another nightmare. She couldn't help but smiled at the thought, her eyes flickering over the boy's face. She wondered how Luffy was still so deep into his sleep when the boat was so violently jolting over the waves, the sound of the thunder and the rain nearly making it hard to hear anything else. 

As much as she wished she could have stayed there, laying peacefully with the boy and cuddling his side for the rest of the day, she knew something was wrong out there, and she had to wake him up. Airi brought a hand to Luffy's hair, ruffling it gently, "Wake up, sleepy head." 

Luffy opened his eyes slowly, looking very much unpleased to do so. Yet, his expression softened as soon as his sight allowed him to see Airi next to him. His usual childish smile plastered over his lips, "Good morni-" 

Before they knew, the shock of a violent wave hitting the Sunny caused the pair of them to tumble, rolling on top of each others over the mattress, as if the entire room was bending sidewards. Another wave hit the ship, throwing the two of them rolling from one side to another. As the ship kept bending from side to side, the wooden floor and walls shaking loudly, Luffy frowned, wrapping a protective arm around Airi's waist and using his free hand to grab his straw hat and put it back on top of his head. Another shock from the storm caused one of Chopper's bookshelf to start falling downwards with a loud sound of cracking wood. Both Airi and Luffy looked up, only to see the large wooden furniture falling over in their direction. 

Airi let out a gasp before hiding her head into Luffy's chest, closing her eyes shut, waiting for the expected shock to hit her. But it never came. She slightly opened one eye to take a look at the bookshelf. Luffy was holding up one arm over her head to prevent the bookshelf from dropping onto her. He strongly pushed it back, causing it to drop onto the floor of Chopper's office. 

As soon as the furniture had bursted onto the floor, Luffy looked down at the girl he was holding tightly in his arms, to make sure she was okay. Airi wrapped her arms around his chest, hugging him as to thank him for protecting her. Luffy immediately felt his heartbeat accelerating in his chest, along with a heat making its way up to his ears and cheeks. 

Meaning. Luffy x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now