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Luffy looked over the lifeless fishman's body that was now laying on the ground, blood stains covering it

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Luffy looked over the lifeless fishman's body that was now laying on the ground, blood stains covering it. He adjusted the straw hat on the top of his head before hurrying his way to the glass container Airi was locked in. He didn't wait a second to throw a fist onto the glass, breaking it into pieces, freeing the contained water and letting it splash all over the ground. Luffy immediately ran over to Airi's unconscious body, picking her up in his arms, holding her close to his chest. The painful lump in his throat kept him from saying anything. Panic began to rush through his veins, he tightened his trembling grip on the girl, hopelessly trying to catch his breath.

"Luffy!!" the boy heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.

As the boy turned around, his eyes found Nami, Robin, Franky, Chopper, Sanji and Zoro running over to him. They all stopped for a second once they noticed the unconscious Airi in Luffy's arms, and the state of their captain, who was having a panic attack on the spot. Nami kneeled down next to her captain, patting his back gently to reassure him, "It's okay, we're here now."

"I- I can't breath..?" Luffy spoke out breathlessly, his words coming out more as a question.

"Lay her down, I'll take care of her!" Chopper told his captain, trying to act as confident as possible when he was actually very concerned of Airi's state.

"P-please, s-save her." Luffy breathed out with threatening tears in his dark rounded eyes.

"We can trust our doctor," Robin stated before grabbing Luffy's arm to softly pull him away from Airi, "Calm down, captain, take deep breaths in." she told him with a reassuring tone.

Luffy tried to take a deep breath in like he was told to, but failed immediately. It was as if something sharp in his lungs was keeping him from breathing normally, it nearly hurt.

"What's wrong with him?" Zoro questioned, trying hard to hide his actual concern.

"He's having a panic attack, you idiot!" Nami replied.

Luffy could feel his head getting dizzy because of the lack of air. Every thought in his mind was rushing from one to another, which made him feel sick in his stomach. He wondered if Airi was breathing, if she was going to wake up eventually, he also thought of how pathetic he was for not being able to protect her once more. He hated himself and he was sure Airi would hate him too. He heard a loud cough, cutting him off from his own thoughts. He turned to the source of the noise only to see Airi with her eyes wide open, Chopper on her side, patting her back and reassuring her.

"Airi." Luffy breathed out before running towards the girl, but he was stopped by two pair of arms; Nami's and Robin's.

"Hold on, Luffy, she only just woke up!" Nami said.

But Luffy pulled the girls away and rushed over to Airi. The girl had a puzzled expression over her face, she looked very much confused and it took her a minute before looking around slowly. Luffy kneeled down close to her, grabbing her hand into his. His breath had suddenly calmed down, his once tensed up muscles were now relaxing at the warmth of the girl's hand. She looked up at him with wide eyes, staring into his dark ones for a while before allowing her lips to curl into a weak smile, "Hi."

Meaning. Luffy x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now