スパイ- the spy

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The next morning, Airi woke up freshly rested. She felt relieved she had finally got a peaceful night of sleep even though it was already pretty late when she finally went to bed. She had spent at least an hour, talking with her captain, last night. He had told her about Franky, who was currently building the crew a brand new ship. He also talked about the sniper of the crew, Usopp, and the encounter they both had, which was the reason why he wasn't present for dinner last evening. He also mentioned that Yasopp was his father, which meant that both Usopp's and Airi's parent were part of the same crew. 

"Airi, you're awake!" Nami greeted with a soft smile. 

"Good morning, Nami!" 

"I was thinking, you probably need some clothes, right?" the girl smirked. 

"Oh, I still have some of my own but... Shopping sounds like a nice plan." Airi smiled, easily figuring out what Nami was about to suggest her, "I wouldn't complain about some brand new skirts and tops!"

"Yes!! I'll ask Robin if she wants to come with us, get ready in the meantime, Sanji is cooking us breakfast!" the navigator enthusiastically said before leaving to room.

Airi smiled. The end of a chapter meant the beginning of a new one. And she was very excited to finally experience this very new chapter of her life. It was only the beginning but she already loved it. 

Nami, Robin and Airi had spent the entire day walking through Water Seven and entering every shop they would encounter on their way. The weather was quite nice, the sun and the warm breeze were making such a perfect duo. The three girls were delighted from how well they all got along with each others. Nami and Robin were so kind and caring to their new crew member, and Airi had enjoyed every passing moments she had shared with them on their shopping journey. And the two girls thankfully seemed to enjoy her company just as much. 

They were now happily walking their way back to the place the crew was staying at, with their hands full of bags, as the sun was setting slowly, bringing the sky such a radiant mixed shades of orange and pink. 

"Airi, I couldn't help but notice," Nami started, bringing Airi's attention back from the sky, "Luffy seems to be really attached to you." 

The blonde girl began to feel a now very familiar heat getting to her cheeks. 

"I admit that our captain does not usually act like he does around you." Robin admitted with a small giggle, "I'm surprised to discover this side of him." 

"Right! I didn't think I'd ever see him like this around a girl!" Nami agreed. 

Airi looked at both of them with an embarrassed smile, "What do you mean?"

Airi had figured what they were trying to refer to, but playing the oblivious card would definitely get her to know more about their point of view, which she couldn't deny, she was feeling very much curious about.

"Well, first he talks about you like a lot. We knew all about you before we even met you! I'm pretty sure he has mentioned your name more than Shanks'!" Nami exclaimed as Robin nodded in agreement, a soft smile not leaving her lips, "And he hugged you! We know for a fact that Luffy is a caring person, but I don't think I've ever seen him this close and touchy with anyone before?" 

"I don't recall ever seeing him like this either." Robin admitted. 

As much as Airi liked the idea of her captain only acting like this with her, she was still surprised at her crew mates' statement, "Really?" Airi questioned. 

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