損失 - loss

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Two months later, in Foosha Village, East Blue 

Luffy had left for quite a while now. Airi didn't think she could possibly miss someone so much. Anytime she would think of the boy, a sinking feeling would take over her and all she could do was cry, and she hated it. But she ignored this feeling, putting it aside to enjoy fully the time she had with her beloved godfather. 

Even though she was grateful she had the opportunity to share moments with Jin, she couldn't get over how awfully pained she was constantly feeling. Airi would pretend that she was fine the entire day and spend the entire night trying to calm down her panic attacks. Jin was on the edge of dying, and there was nothing she could do but watch it happen in front of her eyes. Every morning, she would wake up absolutely terrified to find Jin's dead body in his bed. She just wished her mother and Luffy would be there when it would happen. Thankfully, Makino would visit almost every day. 

Airi got ready, tying her silk bandanna around her wrist. She made her way to Jin's bedroom, bringing him his breakfast in bed. The man greeted her with a warm smile. 

"How are you feeling today, Jin-san?" 

"Fabulous, darling. Did you make those pancakes?" 

"Makino did." Airi forced a smile as she watched her unusual very pale looking godfather eat happily, "Has the doctor visited you today?" 

"He has, sweetheart." 

Airi frowned, "And? What has he said?" 

"Nothing much, really." 

Airi hummed, knowing damn well he was lying, as she handed the man some orange juice. She looked intently at him as he drank. She felt her heart tightening and a painful lump in her throat preventing her from speaking out. She kept watching her godfather, taking in every detail of his face, from his blonde and grey locks, to his glasses. How much she would miss him was all she could think about. 

She sat on his bed and hugged him, bursting into sobs. She tightened her grip on him as if he was about to disappear. 

The man hugged her back, stroking her blonde hair in comfort, "Oh, darling." 

"I d-don't want you t-to... P-please..." she cried onto his shoulder. "I l-love you, so m-much, Jin-san." 

"I love you too, my sweetheart, more than anything." 

"Stay... D-don't ever l-leave m-me." Airi begged, her tears shedding. 

"I won't ever leave you, honey. I'll always be with you, no matter what. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Airi." Jin admitted. 

Before she knew, Jin started coughing, not being able to stop. Airi hurried to bring him a glass of water but when she got back to him the coughing was over. Jin had his eyes closed, a motionless expression on his face. Airi dropped the glass and let it smashed loudly against the floor. 

"No, no, no, no, no, no..." she begged through panicked panting. 

She reached for Jin's hand and squeezed it as tight as possible, "Wake up!! Jin-san!!"

The man wasn't moving. 

"JIN-SAN!!!" Airi screamed in pain. 

She screamed, and cried, her body was shaking so hard and her lungs were refusing to give her a single breath. 


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