血 - blood

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{author's note; thank you endlessly for your support, patience, encouragement and kindness! this last month has been very tough for me, i've been battling with my health every day. thank you for being so loving and patient}

Airi, Luffy, Robin and Sanji sneaked out the restaurant, thankfully using the blonde girl's abilities to go unseen

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Airi, Luffy, Robin and Sanji sneaked out the restaurant, thankfully using the blonde girl's abilities to go unseen. They had ended up finding a way out, escaping the crowd of furious fishmen that were still looking after them around the restaurant. The four pirates stopped for a moment, trying to catch their breath, Airi turning all of them into their visible self again.

"We need to find the others and get out of here." Airi muttered under her breath, earning agreeing looks from her friends.

They were now all hiding behind one of the structure's walls, trying to get a look at the chaos outside. They heard loud shoutings and the sound of smashing blades, Luffy's eyes widened as he exclaimed, "Zoro!!"

Sanji immediately pushed the captain back behind the wall, sending a warning glare in his direction, "Shut up, you idiot! We'll get caught!"

"Who cares?" Luffy pouted, "Zoro is fighting, we'll fight too!"

"Three of us here have eaten a Devil Fruit, captain, fighting with fishmen is like walking straight into a trap." Robin stated.

"It's not like we're in the water or something!" Luffy kept pouting.

Airi had stopped listening to her friends arguing over what to do as her eyes had caught a bunch of fishmen running in their direction, Luffy's voice had betrayed their hiding spot. Airi stepped in front of her three friends protectively, "Guys-"

"It's her!!! Catch this bitch!! She's with the straw hats!!"

"Uh-?! If you wanna catch me go ahead, but at least be a little more polite when you're talking about me!" Airi replied dramatically.

Airi reached for her silk bandanna and tied up her blonde hair in a ponytail, getting ready to fight. She felt confident about fighting, the adrenaline rushing through her veins made her feel more than ready to do so. But before she could even move, a stretched arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her away. Her back was almost immediately met with a familiar body. Airi quickly turned to face her captain, a frown covering half her face, "Luffy, wha-"

Luffy cut her off by pulling her closer to his chest, tightening his grip around her waist before stretching up his free arm, grabbing the roof of the restaurant with a firm grip, gaining momentum, only to jump on top of it the very next second, holding Airi tightly in his arms. The boy effortlessly landed on both of his feet as Airi had her eyes shut, holding onto his neck for dear life. She slightly opened her eyes once she could feel her feet reach a surface, and as she did, her eyes traveled down the building to where Sanji and Robin were now successfully beating the fishmen.

Meaning. Luffy x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now