Chapter 2

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Holly looked at all of the toys she got from the toy store. She couldn't wait to play with them when she got home. Her mother looked at Holly and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She thought that she would love to have a sister to play with and to show her around. She needed some friends to play with. So she looked around to see if there were any. Avery couldn't wait to tell Holly what the gender of the baby was.

"Can you come here, Holly?"

"Yes, Mom."

"I would like to tell you the gender of the baby."

"What is it?" She asked.

"You are going to have a baby sister."

"Wow, Mom I can't believe it. I'm going to be a big sister."

"I know and you will be a good one."

Holly nodded.

She thought about having a dance party in her room and practicing her dance moves for the competition.

Avery and her husband Noah were just working on some things in the office. She told Holly's sisters Celilia and Magnolia to go play with Holly.

Celilia and Magnolia went to Holly's room to play. They were going to dance with Holly. She taught them about her dance routine that she is going to do. The three girls danced and had so much fun that they enjoyed it.

"So what is your favorite dance?" Cecelia asked Holly.

"I like ballroom dancing," Holly replied.

"Ballroom dancing is a good style of dancing and so is the Waltz."

"I can see that there are quite many types of dancing."

"Yeah, I agree with Magnolia."

"So have you thought about what career you want to do after high school?" Holly asked Magnolia.

"I have been thinking about either going into Nursing or being an Actress."

"sounds like you would be good at both of those," Holly replied.

Avery heard the girls talking in the other room and thought to bring them some snacks. So she brought some cookies among other snacks. Noah was out in the backyard building things. He was building a treehouse for the younger girls.

He couldn't wait to show Holly, Cecilia, and Eliana their treehouse. Which he has been building since 10 a.m. He was quite an architect. Avery was a nurse and she worked the morning shift and loved her job. Holly smiled.

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