Chapter 15

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Holly had woken up and had gone to the kitchen for some breakfast to eat. She and Yuki were hungry and looked for some food to eat. Yuki smiled at Holly and couldn't wait to see Chilalea again. So they grabbed some cereal and started eating.

"What are you and Yuki up to today?" Kutaris asked Holly.

"We are probably going to see Chilalea and play. We might make some snow angels and have a snowball fight."

"Sounds like fun to me."

"I used to be good at snowball fights. I would win them when I played with the elves."

"I could imagine that would be a blast to see."

Holly and Yuki had finished breakfast and took both plates to the sink to be washed. Yuki was cleaning her fur before heading out with Holly. She had ensured she was clean while Holly was putting on her snowshoes. After putting on her shoes, she opened the door and went to the snowmobile. She and Yuki talked to Shivers the snowman before heading off. Once they reached Chilalea's place, she parked the snowmobile. She had hoped that she would find Chilalea.

"How are you doing today?" Chilalea asked both Yuki and Holly.

"We are doing good. We had breakfast this morning and are ready to play in the snow."

"That's good. I also had some food as well. I've been keeping watch over the winter wonderland."

"Anything out of the ordinary?"

"Not that I know of, But I did see a polar bear and her cubs."

"I bet the cubs are so cute and playful."

"Yeah, they are fun to watch. I just haven't seen any bad animals that need to be punished."

"That is good. You are doing a great job of keeping everyone safe."

"I try my best but thank you."

Holly and Yuki started playing in the snow along with Chilalea the snow dragon. They were having so much fun that they were the best of friends.

Yuki made a snowball and rolled it to Holly. She threw it at Chilalea and it landed on her face. Chilalea made a snowball and threw one back at Holly. The snowball fight was on. The snowball fight was on for 3 hours and they had started to get hungry for lunch so they stopped and Holly won. After eating lunch, it was time for some snow angels. They lay in the snow and wiggled to make the angels. Holly was enjoying it and she was getting better at it. She had quite a bit of practice back home with her sisters.

Chilalea had told Holly another story about the polar bears and how she saved them from the fire dragon. Holly couldn't believe that the fire dragon had taken the polar bears and held them captive. She told them how she rescued them and how she stopped the fire dragon. It was quite a task but she won the battle over the fire dragon. She led the polar bears to safety after defeating the fire dragon who is known for trouble.

"Why does the fire dragon cause so much trouble?" She asked.

"Well, I think it's because he has a curse on him."

"He is also bad luck."

"Why is he bad luck?" She asked.

"Well, he made everyone fight with each other and made the mothers not have any young ones."

"Wow. That is mean then. Did he ever learn his lesson?" She stated.

"I think so. But there is no telling."

"That's sad."

"Yes it is quite sad but I think the fire dragon just needs to learn."

"I agree with you on that one."

"Do you think we should teach him to be a good dragon?"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try."

"Alright then."

"Let's go."

Holly and Yuki started to head toward where the fire dragon lived and took Chilalea the snow dragon with them. They would teach the fire dragon how to be a good dragon and be nice. Holly was going to use her powers on the dragon.

Chilalea searched for the fire dragon and looked high and low. They all looked until they reached his cave. Once they got to the cave, they started to look in the cave and found him.

"Hello." the fire dragon said in a loud voice.

"Hi, Fire Dragon," Holly replied.

"Do you want to learn to be nice or be our friend?"

"I would like to learn to be nice and to be your friend." He said in a friendly voice.

"Well to be nice, you have to start by saying nice things."

"I can try that."

The snow dragon watched as Holly spoke to him.

"You look magnificent today, Chilalea." He said to her,

"Thank you."

Holly taught the fire dragon how to be polite and good manners. After teaching the fire dragon some good manners, They all had a little party. Yuki, Chilalea, and Holly played with the fire dragon and they started to be friends.

The fire dragon was playing along with Holly and the others. They were having quite a bit of fun and enjoying the snow. Holly was making a snow castle along with Yuki.

"How is the snow castle coming along?" She asked Holly.

"It's coming along quite well. I think it needs something but I can't put my finger on it."

"Well, I can look around and see if I can find anything that would make it look good."The fire dragon spoke.

The fire dragon then looked around to see if he could find something to put on the snow castle. He looked and looked. He then found something.

"What did you find there?" Holly asked the fire dragon.

"I found something cool and awesome for it." The fire dragon spoke.

"Thank you," Holly told him.

"You're welcome."

"So what shall we do next?" She asked.

"Hmm, I think I might tell some stories."

"Sounds good to me."

Holly told them a story about her sisters Magnolia, Eliana, and Cecilia. They listened to her story and thought about if she wanted to go back to them.

Holly cried as she missed them and wanted to see them again. Santa was going to help her get back to them on Christmas Eve. She hoped to have her presents wrapped so that when it's time to go, she will be ready.

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