Chapter 3

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Avery woke up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. She grabbed her ingredients and started to cook. After making breakfast she got all the kids up and ready for school. After that Avery made sure that Holly, Cecilia, and Magnolia got off to school. She then told Noah to take Eliana to kindergarten. Before going to work in the morning. Noah was going to finish the treehouse and was determined to get it done.

Avery got in her car and headed to the hospital where she worked. Once she arrived at work she headed to the check-in before heading to the locker room. She was eager to work and to see how many patients she had today. Avery has her first patient to check on. She walked to the room where the patient was to see how they were doing and if they needed anything. After that, she went to her next patient, a young teenager about 14 years old who was in for surgery. The teen was quite nervous and scared at the same time. Avery gave the teen girl some assurance that it would be okay. She would make sure that she would be there for her when she got out of surgery.

The girl smiled at Avery and thanked her for giving her some comfort. She hugged her and she was wheeled off to the operating room. Avery went to check on her other patients while waiting for the girl to be out of surgery.

Avery thought of her daughter Magnolia and how she had to have surgery as well. She waited to see how the girl was doing and the surgery was going. She started pacing back and forth as she was anxious. She often paces to help ease her anxiety.

Two hours had passed since the girl was in surgery and Avery wanted to see how she was doing. The girl was finally out of surgery and in the recovery room. She did quite well and was very brave although it was a two-hour-long surgery. Avery was now relaxed and felt relief that she was okay. She was going to make a full recovery.

It was now lunchtime for Avery and had brought a sandwich and a little salad from home. She loves salads and finds them quite healthy. She truly wants to stay healthy for her daughters and her husband. 

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