Chapter 12

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"What is it?" Holly asked Yuki.

"I smell something and it's in the west."

"What does it smell like?"

"It smells like fire."

"Well, I guess we need to tell the animals to head east."

"yes, but I think most animals would know to move away from it."

"I guess, we should start heading back home."

"Well, nice seeing you today and hanging out," Holly spoke with a gentle voice.

"You as well. Please be safe and careful heading back."

"We will, I promise."

Holly and Yuki started to head back home before it got late. Once they got back home, Holly went to take a bath. Yuki also went to take one as well. Her fur was as soft as a blanket of snow. Yuki was smiling as she watched Holly and kept her company. Yuki told Holly another story about the reindeer she met. She was getting attached to this place.

Mrs. Claus started to cook some dinner and made spaghetti. She was quite a good cook and learned from her mom. She hopes to pass it on to Holly. She was going to start a book of recipes for Holly. She smiled. Holly finished her bath, got out, and got her pajamas on. She then got to the table to eat some dinner and then she finished her dinner before going to rinse her plate. After rinsing her plate, she went to sit down to watch some TV. Yuki came to join her on the couch. She watched some shows and started to smile and laugh as she needed to. She watched a very funny kids show that was quite funny. She likes watching funny things and she often laughs.

Holly was getting sleepy and decided to go to bed for the night. She went to her room, got in bed, and got under the covers. Holly fell asleep.

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