Chapter 20

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Holly started to train her dog which she has named her Daisy. She started by teaching the basic commands before teaching more advanced ones. She wanted to teach it some tricks. Daisy listened to Holly as she taught her.

Cecilia was taking care of her kitty which she had named her Sprinkles. She was quite a pretty kitty. Avery was going to take them to get food for the two dogs and the kitty. She even helped them pick out collars and toys for them. Cecilia was going to have her cat sleep in her room with her. She found a cat toy for Sprinkles to play with. She even got her food bowls and placemat for her dishes.

Eliana was going to teach her dog as well. She first taught her how to sit. She was quite trainable as a Boston Terrier. She was going to be taking it for walks and to the dog park. She was going to teach it a few tricks as well. Eliana and Holly were teaching their dogs some obedience. Eliana already named her dog as she came up with the name. Avery on the other hand watched and helped them when they needed it.

"What do you think so far?" Holly asked Cecilia.

"I think these two are going to be quite good and well-behaved dogs."

"Yeah, I agree with you on that one."

"I think we both chose two good dogs."

"So what did you name your dog?" Holly asked Cecilia.

"I named her Freckles. How about you?" Cecilia asked Holly.

"She is named Daisy."

"That is a pretty name for her."

"Thanks. So is Freckles."

"So shall we take our dogs around the backyard?"

"Yeah, we can do that."

Holly and Cecilia grabbed the leashes and hooked them to the dog's collars. Holly had brought a harness for hers. Daisy didn't seem to mind the harness as much as she was used to it. Cecilia had started to walk her dog around the backyard to get her used to walking nicely on a leash. It was good practice for both of them. She was going to be quite good when they had mastered the leash walking.

Avery was planning on cooking dinner for her daughters and had it planned out. She started by getting the ingredients and pans that she needed. She started cooking and then started working on the side dishes.

Magnolia was relaxing in her room and looking for things to do. She was going to start picking out baby names for the baby. She looked in a baby book to see if there that she liked. She found a few names that she liked so she wrote them down. She hoped to decide on a name soon for the baby. Holly hoped that Belport would get some snow. She was hoping so but maybe she will get some snow here. The last time it snowed here was 5 years ago which is rare in Belport as it's more tropical than most places.

Avery had finished cooking dinner and told the older kids to come and eat. She had to grab Eliana as she was the youngest of the four kids. She put Eliana in her high chair to eat and then sat down at the table. They were going to say a prayer before eating. After praying, they started eating their dinner. Holly had already fed her dog her dinner and had been let outside to go potty. Cecilia had also fed her cat and was happy. Eliana had to have help feeding her dog.

The girls were preparing for the new school that they all would go to. Holly, Cecilia, and Eliana were going to Elementary school while Magnolia was going to high school. She was going to tour their new schools tomorrow and meet their new teachers.

After dinner, they took their dishes to the kitchen and rinsed them off before loading them into the dishwasher. Holly and Eliana were going to get baths before bedtime. After their baths, it was Cecilia's turn to take one. The three youngest were getting ready for bed while the oldest was in the shower. Avery was going to tuck the three youngest into bed and was going to read them a story.

Avery was reading them the story of the snow dragon and the princess. She told them about how the snow dragon had helped the princess and how they became best friends. The three girls were getting sleepy and started to fall asleep. Avery grabbed Eliana and took her to her room and her bed. She tucked her in and kissed her on the cheek before tucking in Holly. Once tucking in Holly, She kissed her as well.

She went to check on Cecilia and tucked her in as well and kissed her. She turned off the light and closed the door. Avery went to check on her oldest daughter Magnolia and to see how she was doing. She talked about what college she wanted to go to after high school. She thought about it for a while and she found a few that she wanted to apply to when she graduated.

Avery thought that Magnolia should go to college. Magnolia was going to go to college after she graduated from high school. It was time for bed as it was late at night. Avery got into bed in the master bedroom and fell fast asleep.

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