Chapter 21

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Cecilia, Eliana, and Holly went downstairs for breakfast before getting ready for the school bus. Once they had eaten breakfast, they were already dressed and had their backpacks ready to go. Avery had packed Eliana's lunch and had put it in her backpack. Magnolia was not up yet but was starting to wake up a little. A few minutes later the bus was coming and the three girls walked outside and towards the bus. They got on and sat down in their seats. After the girls had sat down, the bus headed towards the next bus stop to pick up the next children.

Magnolia was getting dressed for school. She then grabbed her backpack and her other things grabbed her car keys and headed out the door. She was getting into her car and driving to school. A couple minutes later she parked her car started to grab her backpack and headed inside to homeroom. She found her seat, took her books out, and talked to some of her classmates. While talking to her classmates, she saw a friend girl walk into the classroom. She had brown hair with blue eyes and was quite tall and very pretty. She walked towards her to say hello to her.

"Hi, my name is Magnolia. What is yours?" She asked.

"Hello, nice to meet you. Mine is Alicia."

"Do you want to sit with me at lunch?"

"I would love that very well."

The next minute the teacher comes in and starts the class and tells them what the schedule is for today. The students all listened to the teacher as it was almost time for their next class of the day. Magnolia and Alicia were starting to become best friends and had quite a bit in common already. She smiled at her as she didn't want to come out yet. She had already started to like Alicia a lot and had found her attractive. They walked to the next class and found a seat once they got there. Magnolia had picked out a seat next to Alicia to keep her company and protect her from the bullies.

Alicia asked Magnolia some questions about her.

"What is your favorite color?" She asked.

"I like purple as it's quite my color and style."

"Yeah, purple does look good on you. I can sense it."

"Mine is blue as it matches the sky. It's very calming."

"Blue is quite a good color for calming. So is like a lavender color."

"I agree with you on that one."

They sat down in their seats and waited for the teacher to teach. The boys in the class were causing trouble and so they were being sent to the principal's office. The girls were listening and learning a lot from the class being taught.

Alicia and Magnolia were going to have lunch together when it was lunchtime. They have a free period to do what they want to before lunch. They decide to talk until then and to get to know each other.

"So do you have any siblings?" Magnolia asked Alicia.

"I do, I have one sister and two brothers. How about you?" Alicia asked her.

"I have three sisters. Do you get along with your sister?" Magnolia asked her.

"We get along well. We sometimes fight but not always. How about you?"

"I get along with them. Sometimes they get on my nerves but that is because I am the only teen in the house."

"Yeah. I can imagine that. So do you have a favorite food?"

"I like spaghetti as my mom is Italian." Alicia said to her.

"How about your dad?"

"He is Australian."

"Wow, that is really on the other side of the planet."

"Do you visit there sometimes?"

"Yeah, we usually go home there in December for Christmas."

The girls then started to walk to the cafeteria for lunch. They went through the lunch line and grabbed their lunch before finding a table. They found a table and sat down to eat at their special spot. They started eating their lunches and were enjoying their food. Alicia loved Magnolia's company and just didn't want it to end.

A little while later it was time for the last class of the day. They walked to the last class of the day before school was over. Alicia and Magnolia were finding a seat by the window. Once they sat down they grabbed their books out for the last class of the day. The teacher was going to give them homework to do and a project that will be due next week on Tuesday.

After class was over Magnolia and Alicia got up and went to their lockers to collect some things before heading to their cars. Once they got their books they walked towards their cars.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Alicia asked Magnolia.

"Yeah, I'll be here tomorrow."

"Same time, same place?"

"Yeah. We can meet by my locker tomorrow then."

"Sounds good to me then."

Alicia then walked to her car.

Magnolia walked to hers as well.

She hopped into her car and started the car and headed out of the parking lot and towards home. She drove home in her Kia Sorento. Magnolia listened to music as she drove and sang along to some music. She was paying attention as she drove and obeyed the rules of the road as she was a safe and good driver. She then pulled up into the driveway and parked her car in the garage. She then got out of her car and headed into the big house after she turned her car off and grabbed her keys out of the admission. Avery greeted her when Magnolia got home and she headed to her room to start on her homework. The girls all did their homework and then went to have some dinner and they started to feed their pets. After that they sat on the couch to watch a movie. The younger siblings were getting sleepy and so they headed upstairs to their bedroom. Magnolia and Avery watched a movie as they were older and could stay up a little late. Both Avery and Magnolia had finished the movie and were getting tired and so they went to bed.

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