Chapter 5

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Magnolia was resting peacefully in her hospital bed and was dreaming about her sisters. She didn't understand what was happening to her. The doctor told her she was pregnant. She cried when the doctor told her. Magnolia was trying to think who the father of the baby was that she was carrying.

"I thought the father was Samuel Young. But how could he have gotten me pregnant? Maybe when we were at that party?"

Her dad and Mom are going to help her with the baby no matter what.

Avery was back at home from visiting Magnolia and decided to make dinner. She updated Noah on Magnolia.

"How is she doing?" He asked her.

"She is resting right now. She should be able to come home in a couple of days." Avery spoke.

"That's good. She has the best doctors taking care of her."

"Yeah, She does."

"How are Holly, Eliana, and Cecilia doing?"

"They are doing good. They miss their sister Magnolia."

Avery sat down at the dining table and ate her dinner. She knew Magnolia was going to have to find a job to help support the baby when she graduated high school. Magnolia can't believe that Samuel got her pregnant. He also is going to have to help with the baby when it's born.

Holly prayed for Magnolia to get better. So did Cecilia and Eliana.

The next day Avery took Holly to see her sister in the hospital.

"How are you feeling, Sis?"

"I'm feeling okay, just have a little morning sickness."

"What is morning sickness?"

"It's when you feel nauseous."

"Did the doctor tell you what was wrong?"

"Yes, Holly."

"What did he say?"

"I'm pregnant, Holly."

"What does that mean, Sis?"

"It means I'm carrying a baby inside me for 9 months."

Holly comes closer to Magnolia and puts her hand on Magnolia's belly. Her magical powers start glowing on her belly. She notices her powers are working and gives Magnolia some luck. After that Holly gives her big sister a gentle kiss on the cheek before hugging her.

Avery watched as Holly hugged her big sister Magnolia and took a picture. She wanted to remember this moment and also to put it in a photo album.

Avery then gave Magnolia a hug and a kiss before leaving.

"I love you, Magnolia."

"Love you too, Mom and Holly."

Magnolia's nurse came in to check on her to see how she was doing. After checking on her, she checked on some other patients before heading on break. She was going to let Magnolia go home tomorrow.

Avery thought about Magnolia throughout the night and wondered about her. She can't wait for Magnolia to come home tomorrow. She needs to get in the hot tub to soak her muscles after a long day. Avery got her bathing suit on and got the hot tub turned on. She got on, sat down, and started to relax. Noah also got his swim trunks on and got in as well.

Noah talked to Avery about Magnolia. They were talking about Magnolia and how they were going to help her.

"So what are we going to do about Magnolia?"

"I think we can help her through this."

"Yeah, I think we can handle this."

Avery and Noah took a nice shower before tucking in the three young girls and reading them a bedtime story. After reading to them, they went to their room and got ready for bed. They were going to pick up Magnolia in the morning from the hospital and bring her home.

Avery and Noah got into bed and started to unwind for the night. Noah talked about the next project that he was going to build while Avery talked about her next shift at the hospital.

After talking for a while, they started to get sleepy and started to doze off. 

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