Chapter 22

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The next morning, the girls woke up and fed their pets before having breakfast. Cecilia went to grab some kitty food to feed Sprinkles the calico tabby. She put some in her cat food dish and filled her water dish as well. Cecilia was already eating her breakfast which was a bowl of cereal. Eliana had Magnolia help her feed Freckles the Boston Terrier. Eliana was having a bowl of Cereal as well. Holly woke up and went to grab some dog food and filled up Daisy's dish with food and water.

After that, they let the two dogs outside to go potty before bringing them inside. Magnolia was gathering her things for school and was putting her things in her backpack. She couldn't wait to see her best friend Alicia at school. She was getting excited as her eyes lit up when she saw her.

"How are you?" Alicia asked Magnolia.

"I am doing good. How are you?" She asked with a smile.

"Well, I am doing okay but could be better."

"Is there anything I could do to make it better?" She asked.

"Yeah, Maybe you could go out with me?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Magnolia asked Alicia.

"Yeah I am"

"I'll go out with you, Alicia."

"I'll pick you up around 6 pm, does that sound good?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Okay, then it's a date then."

After school had got out, Magnolia got to her car and drove to the clothing store to pick out a new outfit to wear on her date with Alicia. She found a clothing store that she loves going to a lot. She started to look for a couple of outfits and then went to try them on in the fitting room. Once she had tried them on, she put them in her cart and continued to shop. She was going to look for some shoes as well. So she went to look for some shoes that she liked and found two pairs she liked in her size. Magnolia was quite good at picking out things she liked and was quite good at finding things.

After shopping for herself, she went to find some things for her sisters. She picked out a few dresses and some cute shoes for them. Magnolia hoped that she could find the perfect dress to wear for her date with Alicia. She was going to get her something as well as she was already falling for her. So she went to a special beauty store to find the perfect gift for Alicia.

She had found it and went to check out at the register. After checking out, she went to her car and loaded the bags of clothes and things into her car.

Magnolia was going to drive home and do her homework before playing on the computer. She had math, and French homework to do. She got her math homework done and took a little break before starting her French homework. After a little break, She got back to doing her homework.

Cecilia walks into Magnolia's room and starts talking to her and asking her about her day.

"How was school today?" Cecilia asked Magnolia with a smile.

"It was quite good. I think I have a girlfriend." Magnolia told Cecilia.



"Did she ask you out on a date?"

"Yes she did and she is picking me up at 6 pm."

"That is good. I am glad you found someone."

"Me too. I hope that she likes me back as much as I do."

"She already does."

"Where is she taking you on the date?"

"I am not sure but I know, we are going out to dinner."

"I bet that will be good."

"Yeah, I haven't been out like this since we moved."

"I know. It's been kind of hard for me in a way."

"It will get better, I know it will."

Cecilia hugs Magnolia and kisses her cheek. After that, Magnolia had to get herself ready for her date. She worked her hair and makeup first before getting her outfit on. After that Magnolia was ready for her date. She sat on the couch and waited for Alicia to get there.

Alicia had arrived at Magnolia's house and went to the door. She rang the doorbell and waited for Magnolia to open it. She then opened the door to let Alicia in and to introduce her to her mom Avery.


"Yes, Magnolia."

"This is Alicia. The girl I was telling you about."

"Hi, Ms. Lorden. Nice to meet you. Your daughter has told me a lot about you."

"Hi, You can just call me Ms. Avery. Nice to meet you as well, Alicia."

"Well, we better be off now. I'll bring her home before curfew."

"You two girls be safe now and have fun."

"We will. Thanks."

Alicia grabbed Magnolia by the hand and led her to her car and opened the car door for her. She got in and buckled up before closing the door. Alicia got in the driver's seat and got her seatbelt on as well grabbed her car keys and started the car.

"Where are we going for our date?" Magnolia asked Alicia.

"I am taking you out to dinner and we are going to see a movie."

"What movie are we going to see?" She asked.

"We are going to see Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour."

"I love Taylor Swift and her music."

"Me too. I have every album of hers."

"I didn't know we have so much in common."

"I know it was like we were meant to be together."

"Yeah for sure it was a match made."

Alicia had arrived at the restaurant and they got a table. After sitting down they looked at the menu to see what they wanted. Magnolia and Alicia looked at the menu and knew what they were going to have. The waitress came and took their order and went to put it in. While they were waiting they talked.

"What do you want to do after high school graduation?" Alicia asked Magnolia.

"I am probably going to go to college and then get a job and maybe move in with you."

"Sounds good to me. I think I am going to go to the same college as you."

"Do you see yourself with children?"

"I do. I want to have them with you. Magnolia."

"You do?" she asked quietly.

"I do. As you are the only one for me."

"Awe, I love you, my love."

Alicia kisses Magnolia on the lips and she kisses back.

"Are we in love?"

"I believe we are."

"I love you too." She said in a romantic kinda way.

The waitress brought back their food and drink and they began eating. A little while later, they finished their dinner and Alicia had paid for it and left a tip. They then got up and walked hand in hand towards the car. Once in the car, they headed towards the movie theater which was close by. Alicia had arrived at the theater and parked her car. She got out and went to the passenger side to open the door for her girlfriend. They then held hands and walked towards the entrance to the theater to get in. Once they were in, they grabbed some popcorn and a drink before heading to the theater number where was movie was playing so they could find their seats. After finding their seats, they sat down and waited for the movie to start. Magnolia grabbed Alicia's hand and kissed her.

The movie was getting ready to start and so they started to relax in their chairs and watched the movie. They put their phones on silent so they could enjoy the movie. The girls were having a good time together and were enjoying the movie. A Few hours later, the movie ended and they had a good time. Alicia and Magnolia then headed out to the car and Alicia had one more special surprise for Magnolia. 

The Secret Christmas PortalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora