Chapter 16

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Holly was talking to Yuki, Chilalea, and the fire dragon. She told them that she would miss them and gave them all hugs. She even gave them a present. After giving them some presents, Holly went to go find the three reindeer. She found them and went to tell them that she was leaving to go home soon. She wanted them to know that she loved them and hoped that they would come to visit.

Yuki hugged Holly and told her that she would miss her. She hoped to be back soon when she brought her sisters to see this magical place. Holly was finishing her present wrapping and made sure each one had a different bow. She found some ribbon as well and tied it to each one.

Meanwhile, back in Belport, Avery and the girls were getting ready to go look at Christmas lights. They knew the best places to look at lights and the best overall fun.

Cecilia looked sad as she missed Holly and wanted her to come home. She made a wish on Star that she would come home.

Eliana also looked sad as her tears ran down her cheeks. She couldn't help but feel sad and depressed. She hoped Holly would come home soon. They looked at so many lights, had hot chocolate, and sang Christmas songs. They each got to sit on Santa's lap and get their pictures taken.

Magnolia was looking forward to having her child in the snow. She was going to write a book about her adventures. She was also going to write one about a girl and her rabbit. She was going to start writing them today.

She got on her computer and started her outline before writing the first chapter and Prologue. Magnolia was going to be an Author and was going to write quite a few books. Cecilia was going to be a painter as loved to draw. She was quite good as she had some classes in school. Her mother Avery taught her some as well. She even got her some painting supplies and things for her birthday.

Back in WinterWonderland, Holly looked around and saw a very pretty snowy owl in a tree. She took a picture of it and wanted to show her sisters. Yuki watched as Holly took the picture and thought the owl was cool and beautiful. It was a snowy white owl who was very friendly and had a lot of wisdom to give to Holly.

Holly and Yuki were dancing with Chilalea and were having some much-needed fun. She taught Yuki and Chilalea the dance she had made the other day. They all had a blast and enjoyed each other's company. Yuki told Holly another story about Shivers the Snowman and how he became Shivers the Snowman. She also told the story of Chilalea the snow dragon as well. Holly was going to tell Cecilla, Eliana, Magnolia about Yuki, Shivers, and Chilalea, and of course the three reindeer. She was going to make it into a book about it.

Yuki was getting hungry and so was Holly so they said goodbye and see you later as they went home to Santa's house. Holly had to get some dinner and a nap before her long flight home with Santa and the reindeer.

They all did a group hug and Holly and Yuki went in the snowmobile back to Santa's house. Once back, Holly and Yuki went inside to warm up as it was cold. After going inside to warm up, Holly was getting ready to hop in the sleigh.  

The Secret Christmas PortalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora