Chapter 4

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Avery had just got off work from her shift and was ready to head home for the afternoon. She grabbed her things, checked out, and headed to her car. She drove home which was a thirty-minute drive and was excited to get home and relax before picking up her youngest daughter Eliana from school. She started to plan out dinner and decided on chicken parmesan. She made sure she had everything she needed to make it. Avery's mom taught her to cook and she was quite a good chef. Her dad was quite good as well when it comes to grilling things.

A few hours later, Avery went to pick up Eliana and Holly from elementary school. Meanwhile, Cecilia was going to ride the bus home so Avery asked the two girls about their day at school.

"How was your day Holly?" she asked with a smile.

"It was good mom, we learned about a new place in geography."

"What place did you learn about?" she asked Holly.

"We learned about Canada and how it gets cold in the wintertime and the famous waterfall."

"Sounds like you had a good day at school. Did you make any friends?"

"Yes, I made three new friends."

"What are their names?" She asked.

"Samantha, Hannah, and Noel," Holly replied with a happy smile.

"I am so proud of you, Holly."

"I know Mom. I love you."

"I love you too Holly."

Next, she talked to Eliana and asked her about her day.

"How was your day?" She asked Eliana.

"It was good, Mom. I made some friends as well."

"That is good. Were they nice to you?"

"Yes, they were, Mom."

"Anything you learned in school?"

"We learned about Ireland and the people there."

"Wow, that is cool that you learned so much about Ireland."

"Some of your family history is Irish and some is French."

"I didn't know that mom."

"Well, now you know."

"What about Dad's family?"

"His family is German and Australian."

"Mom, I love you," Cecilia spoke to her mom.

"I love you too." She gave them both a hug.

Avery went to start dinner so that when Noah and Magnolia got home, they could eat. Holly and Cecilia went to do their homework before playing for a bit in the playroom.

While Avery was cooking dinner, She heard her phone ring and it was her daughter Magnolia. She was crying and in tears.

"What is wrong with Magnolia?" She asked with a tear in her eyes.

"I don't feel well. Can you come and get me?" She asked.

"I can ask Noah to watch your sisters while I come and get you."


"Yes, Darling."

"Can you watch Cecila and Eliana while I go get Magnolia?"

"Yes, I can watch them."

"Thanks, Honey."

"You're welcome."

Avery went to Magnolia's School to pick her up. She didn't know what was wrong with her and so she was scared. Magnolia was feeling quite sick and didn't know what was going on. Avery rushed her to the Emergency room. She got her to the hospital in time. Magnolia was getting sick and was just a mess. They got her to the room and the nurses and doctors were tending to her. Avery was praying that Magnolia didn't have cancer of some kind.

"How are you feeling, magnolia?"

"I feel sick."

"Are you hurting anywhere?"

"Yes, My stomach is hurting the worst."

"Okay, we are going to take some X-rays and a CT scan to see what is going on."

The doctor took her for her scan and her x-rays and then brought her to her room to wait for the results. They even did some blood work. They did an ultrasound as well.

Avery called Noah to give him the news on Magnolia. Noah couldn't believe the news as Magnolia was fine this morning.

"So what are they going to do?"

"Well, She is going to have to stay in the hospital for a few days until she gets better."

"I know it's not going to be fun for her and all but she is brave."

"She gets that from you."

"That's true."

"I agree with you on that one. She is quite a brave teenager. She has her mother's bravery and her father's Compassion for others."

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