Chapter 11

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Holly was still dancing and was having fun when she started to get tired. She had to stop and get some rest. She did tell Mrs. Claus about the snow dragon that she saw. She was quite friendly and wanted to play.

"What did you think of the snow dragon?" Mrs. Claus asked Holly.

"She is quite friendly and gorgeous. She also has some good stories to tell."

"I bet she does. She is a good storyteller."

"I can just picture her telling stories about her adventures."

"So when are you going to see her again?" She asked.

"Probably in the morning."

"Well, just let me know and I'll make sure you have some snacks to take with you."

"Will do,"

Holly then got ready to eat dinner and after eating she got ready for bed.

The next morning, Holly woke up, got into some comfortable clothes, and headed to eat some breakfast. After eating, she woke up Yuki and found some food for her. Then, Yuki and Holly were off to see Chilalea for the day. Once they had arrived at the snow dragon's house, she went to find her. Holly found her in her favorite spot.

"Hi, Chilalea," Holly spoke.

"Hi, Holly and Yuki. How are you today?" Chilalea asked.

"We are doing good. How are you?"

"I am doing good. I have been busy."

"That's good. Anything new?"

"Well, a new family moved in and they are quite nice."

"What family would that be?"

"It would be a penguin family."

"Penguins are so cute when they are little. I learned about them in school."

"Yeah, I bet. What else did you learn about?"

"I learned about polar bears and how they catch fish."

"Sounds exciting. I also learned about arctic foxes."

Chilalea told Holly some of her good stories about another dragon that brought bad luck. The other dragon had scared all of the animals and people as well. He was so bad that the animals wouldn't come out. I told the bad dragon to leave and if he didn't I would fight. He didn't leave and so I had to fight and I won the battle.

"Wow. I can't believe you fought that dragon."

"Well, I had to because he wouldn't leave and I had to protect everyone here."

"You have done a great job of doing so. You keep up the good work."

"Thank you. Holly."

"You're very welcome. So is there anything you want to do today?"

"Well, can we make snowballs?"

"Yeah, we can make snowballs."

Holly and Chilalea made snowballs and made a castle out of snow. She smiled at Yuki and said, "Go bring us something to decorate the castle with."

Yuki did as she was told by Holly. She had brought some leaves and some twigs for decoration. After they had finished the snow castle, Holly admired her castle and took a photo of it. She was quite proud of the work she put into it. She was just smiling and happy. Yuki smiled as well.

After they were done with the snow castle, They started playing Castle and telling stories. Holly was listening to another story that Chilalea was telling. This one was about a snow rabbit named Yuki. She was telling about Yuki's family and how she came to the area. Holly liked the story so much. She was one of the best audiences when it came to storytime. She sat and listened to each story and wondered how each story came to be. She even wanted to write her own story to teach her children someday.

"Well, I think you would make a great storyteller someday." She told Holly with a smile.

"I agree."

Holly, Yuki, and Chilalea played until they were hungry. After a while, it was time for a snack before heading to play again. Holly liked her time in Winter Wonderland. She loved the snow and all of the friends she made along the way.

She couldn't believe that this place was magical. Yuki told her stories as well about how Shalaron's Rest was founded. She was starting to think that Reindeer and polar bears are friends. Yuki was looking about and smelling the air. She was looking towards the west and sensed something.

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