Chapter 8

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It was a cold snowy day in Shalaron when Holly woke up and looked around. She was getting hungry and needed some food to warm up. So Yuki brought Holly some food to eat so they could continue on their Adventure. Holly, Yuki, and Shivers started to walk and found another animal or two. She saw a reindeer and a whole herd of them. The lead Reindeer came up to Holly.

"What is your name, little one?" She asked the little girl.

"My name is Holly."

"That is a pretty and beautiful name."

"Thank you, What is your name?" Holly asked.

"Mine is Shenandoah."

"That is such a unique name for a reindeer."

"So what are you doing here in Shalaron?"

"I ran away from my parents and a magical portal sent me here."

"Wow, do you want to go back home to them?"

"Not really,"

"Why not?"

"Well, my parents don't give me any attention anymore."

"You can always stay here in Shalaron. Holly."


"Yes, Let me introduce you to the other reindeer."

She leads Holly to the other two reindeer and tells them their names.

"This one is Umber as she is the clown of the group."

"Wow, that is a cute name." She points with her antlers.

"What about the other one?"

"Oh, that is Willow, She is very sweet and like a Sister to all the young ones."

"Wow, So do you play reindeer games for fun?"

"Yes, We do." All of the reindeer do.

"I can just imagine that." I bet it's really fun."

"Yeah. We all have fun in those games we do."

"Wow, Reindeer are quite awesome and amazing."

"We can be, which is an understatement."

Holly puts her hand on each of the reindeer and gives them some good luck from her powers. After that, the reindeer thanked her.

"You're very welcome."

Yuki and Shivers watched as Holly talked to the reindeer and asked if they knew where the good food was.

"Yes, We know where to find some good food."

"Well, lead the way then."

"Do you want to ride on my back?" Shenandoah asked Holly.

"Yes. We can make a magic sleigh if you want."

Holly climbed onto her back and they started walking through the snow. After walking for 6 hours Holly needed a rest. She needed a drink of water as she was quite thirsty. There was a water fountain not far from where they were.

Holly took a drink from the magic water fountain. She was quite dehydrated so she drank until she was hydrated enough to continue. After that, Holly walked up to the reindeer and walked next to her.

A few hours later they reached Santa's workshop and Holly got off the reindeer. Yuki and Holly walked towards the house and Holly rang the bell on the door.

Mrs Claus answered the door and saw a little girl and her friend Yuki the snow rabbit.

"So what is your name, little one?"


"That's a very pretty name. Why don't you and Yuki come in?"

Holly and Yuki walk in and Holly sits by the fireplace to warm up as she is getting cold.

"I will tell Santa you are here."

Holly tells Yuki to join her and lays on Holly's lap. She talked about her adventure so far and hoped to make a snow angel in the snow. Mrs Claus got back from telling her husband Santa about Holly.

Santa wanted to meet Holly and knew this was the perfect time to ask her what she wanted for Christmas.

Holly told Santa what she wanted for Christmas. She even told him what Eliana, and Cecilia wanted for Christmas as well.

"What does Magnolia want for Christmas Holly?"

"She wants something for her baby that she is carrying."

"Okay. I am sure I have just the thing for them both."

Holly looked at Yuki and smiled. Mrs Claus found Holly some warm clothes and made sure that Holly had a nice warm bath. Along with a nice warm bed to sleep in. She looked out for Holly and her friend Yuki. Holly thanked her and Santa.

That night Holly started to have another bad dream and it woke up Yuki.

"What is the matter, Holly?"

"Did you have a bad dream again?"

"Yes, I did."

"Here I will keep you safe."


Holly looked around the cabin and saw all the Christmas decorations and thought they were so pretty. She even wanted to make her own to take home as a gift for her mom.

Mrs. Claus thought that was a good idea and helped her. She grabbed some craft supplies and anything Holly might need to make her gift for the tree. Holly was thinking about what kind of gift for the tree she wanted to make. She started by drawing it out first before crafting it. She got the building talent from her dad, Noah. He taught her quite a bit. He even built a treehouse for the girls when they were little. Holly misses her sisters the most. She hopes to make them each a special present to bring back home to them.

After making a gift for each of her sisters, Holly was getting tired and sleepy. So Mrs. Claus took Holly to the spare bedroom and tucked her Into bed. Holly then called Yuki to sleep next to her on the bed to keep her company. She smiled as she started to doze off. She made a wish on a star and said her bedtime prayer. After praying, she fell asleep. 

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