Chapter 7

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Holly woke up and went down for breakfast. She notices that Christmas is not far away and needs to find her big sister Magnolia a present. She was trying to pick the perfect present. A little while later Avery and Noah got up and wanted to take Holly shopping. They took her to a department store to find the perfect gift.

They were walking in the department store when suddenly Holly saw something that spoke to her. She let go of her parent's hands and took off running towards it. She then gets transported to another universe.

Holly sees that there is a lot of snow on the ground. She decides to play in it for a while and she starts to explore around a bit. Holly hears something in the bushes. So she goes to investigate to see what is making that noise.

She spots something white as snow with four paws. The creature came out of hiding and introduced herself as Yuki.

"Hi. Are you lost?"

"I am not lost. I am just new to this world."

"What is your name?" she asked the rabbit.

"My name is Yuki which means snow." "What is yours?"

"Mine is Holly."

"Nice to meet you, Holly."

"So what do you do around here?"

"Well, we play in the snow of course. There are so many friends for you to meet."

"Wow. Can I meet some of them?"

"Sure, Just follow me."

Holly follows the snow rabbit, Yuki, and finds the next friend. They meet a snowman who has magic powers.

"Who do we have here?" The snowman asked Yuki.

"I brought a friend and her name is Holly," Yuki replied to the snowman.

"Well, nice to meet you, Holly. My name is Shivers."

Holly and Yuki start to dance in the snow along with Shivers. They were having a blast when Holly was getting hungry. Holly began to look around for food and found some fruit. Shivers knew that Mrs. Claus had food and would share it with Holly.

Meanwhile, in Belport, Avery and Noah were looking for their daughter Holly in the department store and couldn't find her. They looked everywhere in the store but had no luck. So they went home without Holly.

Avery thought Holly would come home on her own. Noah on the other hand was worried about her. Avery started crying as her eyes were watery. Noah came to comfort his wife and hugged her tight.

Magnolia, Cecilia, and Eliana were just as confused as to why their mom was crying.

"Why are you crying, Mom?" Cecilia asked with a tear in her eye.

"Your sister Holly is missing and we can't find her." Mom cried.

"oh, Mom."

"I'm sure that Holly will come back when she is ready," Magnolia spoke to her.

"I sure hope you are right, Magnolia."

"I'm sure of it, Mom. Just say a prayer and Holly will be found."

All three girls prayed for Holly to come back home. Both Avery and Noah also prayed.

Back in Shalaron's Rest, Holly and her friends Yuki and Shivers started walking towards Santa's workshop. Holly started to get cold as she didn't have a jacket or snow boots. She was starting to get a little tired and needed to rest. She found a perfect place to rest where there was shelter.

Shivers found supplies and so did Yuki and they built a snow shelter for Holly. Holly then asked Yuki to curl up next to her to keep her warm. Shivers stayed and watched and on guard. Holly slept and dreamed of sledding and doing snow angels in the snow. She also dreamed of bringing Cecila and Eliana here as they had never seen snow.

Yuki stayed with Holly through the night and kept her warm. She had one bad dream during the night but Yuki stayed with her and got Holly through it.  

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