Chapter 10

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Holly and Yuki were sleeping in as it was quite cold and were tired from all the fun they had. Mrs. Claus was in the Kitchen making breakfast for Holly and Yuki. She started making strawberry pancakes for Holly and she made sure that Yuki would eat some berries and leaves.

After a while, Holly got up and so did Yuki as they could smell something yummy in the kitchen. She couldn't believe what Mrs. Claus had made for Holly.

"Did you make these strawberry pancakes just for me?" Holly asked her.

"I sure did, Holly. I hope you like them."

"Thank you."

Holly started to say her prayer and was thinking of her reindeer friends. She couldn't wait to check on them and to see how they were doing. Holly started eating her pancakes and drinking her milk with her breakfast. After breakfast, Holly wanted to go on another adventure with Shivers and Yuki. She hopes to see a snow dragon today on her adventure.

So Holly got prepared for her adventure by gathering some snacks and some water.

Yuki was ready to go as well. So Holly and Yuki set out along with Shivers and went to look for the snow dragon named Chilalea. Holly took the sleigh that was made by the elves. She used that for the adventure as she wanted to use it instead of walking. She knew walking was going to be tiring after a while. Yuki looked around and around for the snow dragon. Holly was getting hungry for a snack so she grabbed her bag, got out a snack, and found one for Yuki as well.

After traveling for a while, She spotted a snow dragon. She got out to talk to her. She first introduced herself to her. After she introduced herself, Chilalea asked "What are you doing out here?"

"Well it's a long story but I'm staying with Santa and Mrs. Claus."

"I guess that is a good thing. They have treated me quite well."

"That is good. Most people don't back in Belport."

"Is that where you are from? Chilalea asked Holly.

"Yes, but I don't wish to go back."

"Why is that? May I ask?"

"Well, I would miss Yuki, Shivers, and all my friends in Shalaron's Rest for one. Plus the family that raised me didn't treat me well."

"I understand. It's not nice what happened to you back home. I hope it gets better soon."

"So shall we play for a bit?" she asked with a friendly smile.

"Yes, we shall."

Chilalea, Holly, and Yuki played for a few hours and were having a ball. Yuki went to have a snack and a drink. Holly also grabbed a drink as well of her water. Chilalea showed Holly and Yuki her favorite spot where she could see everything. Holly was surprised when Chilalea showed her favorite spot to her. Yuki knew Chilalea was a good dragon and friend of the winter fairies. Holly finished playing with the snow dragon and thanked her.

"You're welcome, Holly."

"Anytime you want to play, you know where to find me."

"Good to know."

"I think we should start heading back so we can be back in time for dinner."

"See you tomorrow," Chilalea told Holly.

"Yeah, we can come back tomorrow to play."

Holly and Yuki got back onto the sleigh and started to head back to Santa's workshop. Holly talked to Yuki about her new friend. She found her very friendly and wanted to hang out and play. She has some stories to tell us tomorrow.

"I bet she does," Yuki spoke to Holly.

"I couldn't wait to see her again tomorrow."

"Yeah, I bet. She likes you, doesn't she?"

"Yeah, she does. well, tomorrow is going to be fun as well,"

Holly and Yuki got back and went inside to warm up as she was getting a little tired and needed a nap. So Yuki and Holly got in bed and took a nap. She was going to be well rested when she woke up from her nap. Holly was under the blankets and Yuki laid down next to her.

A few hours later, Holly was well rested and so was Yuki. She went to the living area and started to dance for a bit. She wanted to work on some new dance moves. Holly was getting better at dancing and was going to be such a good pro soon. She hopes to one day enter dance shows like Dancing with the Stars. Yuki watched Holly work on her dance moves and she even danced with her. She found it to be fun and relaxing. She even found it to bring her happiness and joy when she danced.

Mrs. Claus watched as Holly danced around the room and found her wanting to dance along. Holly smiled as Mrs. Claus danced with Holly and Yuki. She even had fun dancing and grew fond of Holly. Holly reached Mrs. Claus the dance she came up with. She is enjoying it so much that she might show Santa.

Yuki smiled and laid down on the couch while watching Holly and Mrs. Claus dance. She is having fun...

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