Chapter 9

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Holly woke up and heard something outside. She didn't know what it was but it was quite loud. She hid under the covers and stayed there. Yuki heard the sound too and asked Shivers to see what the noise was.

Shivers went to see what the noise was and it sounded like one of the reindeer from earlier. Shivers told Yuki that it was a reindeer. Holly nodded as Yuki told her it was okay. She then got out of bed and got dressed for breakfast. She could smell something so yummy that it was making her stomach growl. Yuki followed Holly and stayed by her side to protect her. Mrs. Claus was setting the table for the three of them. Santa came to sit at the table as well and he looked at Holly and Yuki.

Yuki talked to Holly about her adventures and how she wanted to see a snow dragon. Holly listened as Yuki talked to her. She heard about the stories of the snow dragon named Chilalea. She thought that the snow dragon was scary like the ones in the books that her dad read to her.

"Have you ever seen a snow dragon?" Holly asked with a smile.

"I have and She is very friendly," Yuki spoke with a soft and calm voice.

"That is good. I don't like mean or scary ones." Holly replied.

"Not all snow dragons are mean nor scary."

"My sisters have never seen a real snow dragon before," Holly said to Yuki.

"It's good as now you can take some pictures to show them."

"Yeah, that is a good idea. I bet they will love that."

Holly agreed with Yuki as she had a camera. She took pictures of the reindeer that she saw. She took pictures of Yuki as well. Yuki posed for the pictures so she would have some good ones.

Shivers also posed for the picture as well. He loves having his photo taken. Holly wanted her picture taken with all of her friends that she has made so far. Mrs. Claus was going to take the picture of Holly, Yuki, Shivers, and the three reindeer. She was good at taking photos as she learned a lot from the elves. She then ate breakfast and planned out her morning. She was going to make a snow Angel in the snow.

"Come make snow angels with me."

Yuki and Mrs. Claus made snow Angels with Holly. She enjoyed it and had so much fun. She wanted to build a snow castle of her own.

Yuki grabs some things for the castle and Holly gets to work on the castle walls. After building the walls, she works on the towers. She worked on that most of the morning until it was time for lunch.

So lunchtime came and Holly went inside to wash up. She then sat at the table to eat her lunch. She grabbed some food for Yuki to eat as well. They started eating lunch and enjoying a warm meal after playing outside in the snow. Holly was quite hungry and thirsty and knew she was. Yuki ate with Holly and couldn't wait to finish her castle. She was looking forward to finishing it before dinner time. So she got to work on it after lunch. She made sure that Yuki and Shivers helped as well. She wanted to make this the best snow castle in Shalaron's Rest.

So, a few hours later, Holly finished her snow castle and then started to admire it as she took a photo of it. She wanted to be proud of something that she built.

Mrs. Claus came out to see Holly's Castle and she was amazed at how good it looked. Santa even came to look at it as well.

Holly gave herself a nice warm bath before dinner. She washed herself up, got her hair cleaned, and made her smell good. After her bath, she got out of the tub, dried off, and got dressed. She went to see her friend Shivers the snowman.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked Holly.

"Just coming to enjoy the snow," Holly replied to him.

"Well, just have fun then."

"I planned to have as much fun as I can."

"Don't let me stop you from having fun then."

"Why don't you join me then?" She asked Shivers.

"I'll be glad to join you and I think Yuki will join as well."

"That will be good. What shall we do for fun?" She asked.

"Well, we can go sledding, which is something I have wanted to do."

"I am sure we can make that happen."

"What can we use as a sled?" She thought.

"Hmm, we can find something I am sure."

"Maybe the elves can make us a sled to use."

"Good idea."

Holly was ready to go sledding with Yuki. She gathered the reindeer and the elves hooked up the reindeer to the sleigh. After that Holly climbed onto the sleigh and sat down. She called to Yuki to sit on her lap to keep her warm. After getting settled, the reindeer took Holly for a ride on the sleigh. Holly was loving the sleigh ride and so was Yuki. She saw a snowy owl and some arctic foxes. She even saw some polar bears as well. Holly took pictures of them as she had never seen such beauty. She was in awe when the arctic foxes were posing. Yuki thought the owl was pretty and loved talking to it. Holly smiled at Yuki and then at the owl. She even saw some Icelandic horses. There were so many animals that were out having fun that Holly had to take a few pictures and do a little video. She thought they were so funny that it made her laugh.

After getting back from her sleigh ride, Holly and Yuki came inside to warm up. She was getting a little chilly and she was shivering from head to toe. Mrs. Claus had to bring Holly a warm blanket and some hot chocolate to warm her up. She sat by the fireplace with Holly to keep her company.

It was now bedtime for Holly and Yuki and so they hopped into bed and fell asleep.

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