Chapter 12

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"You are not taking her anywhere. And get your filthy hands of my girlfriend!She's mine!"










Wow Handsome/Cutie - Charlotte/Jennie

Who?/Boyfriend? - Engfa/Lisa

Nam just mentally face-palmed herself.

Those were few of the reactions from the group  when they heard what the guy said.

Right! Let go of her girlfriend! - Nam


Nam got startled when she heard a chorus from behind her. Their teammates approached whe they saw the commotion near their table. Nam just looked at them and mouthed "I'll explain later"

Let me go! Who are you people! Ang you!  Don't you know who I am!!??  William is struggling to remove his arm from the bouncers while pointing at the stranger who is now carrying Becky.

"Are you deaf or just playing stupid? Did you not hear me when i said she's my girlfriend? And the hell would i care who you are?" -Unknown

William got more annoyed because of what he heard. He is still struggling to escape.

You filthy workers. Where's your boss!? I want to speak to him. I'll get you all banned! For sure the the owner knows who I am!

The bouncers just looked at each other and didn't answer him. The stranger just laughed at what William is saying.

Yeah.. You can laugh all you want right now! I'll make sure you all get banned for this embarrassment you cause me!

The stranger stopped laughing and just looked at William while smirking.

"First of all, You look so pathetic. Second, You are the one embarrassing yourself. Third, I don't think everyone here cares of what you are saying and lastly, Why would i ban myself? I'm the owner by the way"  - Stranger

William is more embarrased when he heard that. But since his ego is not letting himself lose, he remained unfazed and smirked when he saw a lady walking towards them wearing a corporate attire.

Owner huh? Let's see. - William thought.

Good evening everyone. May i know what is happening?" -Unknown Woman

Good evening! I am William Kaewpanpong , Son of the owner of  KPP Hotels. I do believe you know me?"  He said while offering his hand for a handshake.

The woman accepted it and introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Kaewpanpong . I am the General Manager of this establishment. My name is







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