Chapter 20

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At The Rest House

"Dude, can we really not stop you?"

Heng asked his best friend

"I'm sorry, there's an important stuff I need to take care of. Guys and Girls I hope you understand."

"It's okay, we understand." Becky in behalf of her friends said. Her friends nodded as well.

"Thank you."

Orn and Saint will be the one to bring him to the airport. Becky asked one of their workers to go with them.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Becky. I promise I'll come back. You ( pointing to his friends) behave."

Everyone nodded and waved goodbye.

When they arrived at the airport, Feros talked to Saint seriously.

"Saint, I hope you find the maker of that bracelet as soon as possible and who it was intended for".

"Yes, I will. I already have a lead on who might have manufactured that bracelet. And if we're lucky enough we might even know exactly which branch and who that bracelet was specifically made for."

Feros face became serious, much more serious than usual. .

" Lucky enough? I don't want to hear that. Find it out. I want results."

" I will." Saint assured Him.

After their talk they bid their farewells.
Most of them are now enjoying at the rest house except

"Hey,Looknam.Why the long face?" Heng teased while pinching her cheek.

"Piss off. Don't call me that Asavarid" Nam swatted his hand.

Heng placed his arm on Nams shoulder and pulled her closer.

"Nooooooo, don't frown it doesn't suit you. You look prettier when smiling" Heng said trying to make Nam smile using his hand.

Nam can't help but blush and smile on Hengs comment and gesture. Heng always annoy Nam but he doesn't want her to be sad.
United States

Feros just arrived at their house. When he got inside he immediately went to his room and changed.

Knock... Knock... Knock...


Said a woman on the other side of the door.

"It's open mom."

"Son. You just arrived, are you going somewhere else? How's Central City? Is Irin settled well there"

Aurora, His mother asked. Feros just got out from his closet while buttoning his shirt.

"It was nice mom. I met new friends. Irin is fine, Tee is taking care of her as well as Saint and Orn.I'm Sorry Mom if I'm leaving again. I need to go to the Villa"

Her mother was surprised and got concerned when she heard what Feros said.

"Oh God. Did anything happen?Do you want me to come with you?" 

"Mom, Everything is fine. Calm down"

Feros approached her Mom and held both her shoulders to calm her.

"Then why are you in such a hurry?"

"Mom. She's awake."

"Thank God!" Aurora hugged Feros. She's happy that she is already awake. "Just do what is needed okay? And just remember, i'm always here."

She's now in tears while saying those to his Son.

"Mom stop. Don't cry. No matter what happens, you will still be my Mom, Okay?" Feros hugged her back assuring her.

"I know. I know. Thanks, Son."

After few minutes they let go of the hug.

"I'll only be gone for a couple of days."

"Okay son. Tell me if you need anything. You can bring her here anytime okay?"

"Thank you again mom. I have to go."

After their talk Feros then left to go to their Villa.

Calling Song...

"Hello Song. I'm on my way."

"Noted, Sir. Ahm Sir, There is something wrong." Song responded on the other side.

"Why? What happened?"

"It's better if you're here, Sir. The Doctor needs to inform you about something."

"I'll be there around 45 mins."

Feros then ended the call.

"Please be okay"

That's the only thought he has while travelling to their Villa.

When he arrived he immediately went to the Masters bedroom.

The room is filled with medical equipments.

While getting inside he can't help but notice a woman sitting on the bed while leaning on the headboard.

The woman looked at Feros while he approach.

"Where am I? W-who are you? Who am I? They are not telling me anything, they said they are waiting for someone. I- I don't know who I am! "

Fear is visible on the woman's eyes when she was asking those.

"Hey.. Hey calm down. I'm the one they are waiting for. You are at our Family's Villa*.

" Our Villa? "

The woman asked.

" Yes. I'm Frederick Eros Nu Chankimha. I'm your brother. You can call me Feros."

" I-i don't remember you. What happened to me? Who am I?"

"I'll help you. I will explain everything. And you, your name is...










Sarocha Chankimha...


Sorry for just updating. Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and your Christmas break! Drink lots of water ka.


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