Chapter 17

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They are now outside Becky's condo. She also just woke up.

When they got inside the room Fred squealed.








[yes. You read it right. He squealed ✌️😂 ]







"OMG! Bec! Why is there a cockroach in your condo!? Gosh. Call the insect killers now!"

Fred overly said while jumping. Becky was perplexed because of how Fred is acting.

"W-wait. Ahm if you don't mind. A-are you perhaps.. "

Fred faced Becky when he heard that. He knew exactly what she meant.

"No Sis. I'm a woman!" Fred proudly said.

Because of that Becky laugh out loud.

Oh my gosh. I've been stressing myself thinking this is my Freen. Giiiirl I think I'm gonna have a new bestie.

Everything running through Beckys mind disappeared. She thought there' s a chance that Freen is alive but she knew it was already impossible. At first she felt she betrayed Freen because she felt something different towards Fred.

Maybe he was sent to help me move forward. As a friend.

"Giiiirl. You were such a man earlier." Den Tapped his shoulder while giggling.

"Girl it was so hard. The guy was handsome but lacked respect. Admit it he was handsome right? "

"Hmmm. Not my type. My Freen is still more handsome.*.

"Ahhh hello, sis? Didn't you hear what I said? Ew you're not my type. I don't walk straight"

"What!? I didn't mean you. She's someone special"

Fred was amazed of what Becky said.

"Did you just say "she"? OMG! We walk the same bridge!? Omg omg omg! I've decided! You'll be my new bestie. Urgh! Finally I have a girly to talk to. Heng is such a guy and can't even understand much of what I say. Besties!?"

Becky just shakes her head. She forgot the pain she felt earlier when she thought Fred was Freen.

"Yes. I'm gay but i'm only gay for Freen. She's my first love . I really thought you were her. You two looked alike."

"Ah no wonder you hugged me earlier. Anyways. Where is she? And wait, can you not call me Freen anymore it's kinda awkward and to think we look alike. Ew ew ew. Call me Feros instead. Your new bestfriend! Only my friends call me that, others call me Fred"

Feros then held her hand out. Becky accepted it. She changed the topic because she doesn't want to talk about Freen with someone new yet.

"I'm Becky. haha. Jeeez, Frederick Eros Nu. You're name is too manly that I didn't expect this. Haha. And no, you can't be my new bestfriend because three Amazons will beat your ass. Specially Nam. But you can be one of my bestie!"

Feros smiled because of what Becky said.

"Well, okay fine. It'll do. Haha. And wait you're bestfriends with Looknam?

" Yesh. Didn't Saint told you? Oh no. Wait. She'll be heart broken! She have a big crush on you Feros what if she'll find out that you're gay. My poor beshy"

"Oh believe me she won't be. She knows! And damn she's still clingy! Urgh she's too much"

Feros said that with matching hair flip. Becky just kept on laughing with his antics.

"Haha. Okay. Let's go rest. We need to be early tomorrow. You can stay at the guest room that's the right door. If there's anything you need just knock on my room here." Becky said pointing the door on the left side.

"Okay bestie! We really need to get there as soon as we can. I still have unfinish bussiness with Saint."

"I see. You just arrived and you already have a fight  to settle?"

"No. It's not really a fight fight. Haha. He just lost an important item if mine. A bracelet"

"Bracelet? Wait!"

Becky ran to her room. When she got back she took with her the bracelet she found on Saints office thinking it must be it.

"Bestie, is this the bracelet you're referring to?"

When Feros saw the bracelet, his face light up.

"Oh Emmm Geee! Yes! It is! How did you get this?"

Becky then told him what happened that night and why she have it.

Feros just nodded.

"Well, you just saved Saint. I guess there's not much to do when we get there than to enjoy! Yesssss! Vacay!"

"Is finding the bracelet really the only reason you came here?it's that important? "

"So much bestie. Our lives depend on this bracelet."

"Okay then. Good to know it's found and you can enjoy! You go rest now"

They both went inside their rooms. When Becky got into her, her phone rang.

Hello besh?...





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