Chapter 25

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I'm here already at our new school. I'm with Feros and our friends. Yes we're here at Crimson University our new school.

In our circle of friends, it's just Saint and Orn who's not studying with us since they already graduated last year. Feros and Rosé will be on their 4th year, Irin, Tee  and Scott will be on their 2nd and the rest like Me, Heng and Jisoo will be on our 3rd.

The subject we took at our previous school were credited. And yes, Feros is a year higher than me. Accelerated. Smart ass. Haha

Speaking of Feros. He is so damn observant! I got scolded last night. Tssssk



"Oh Sh*t"

Feros stormed in like a headless chicken.

"Saro! Where are you!?"

"God brother relax! I'm in my room!"

I shouted back for him to hear.

"Where have you been!? There was a commotion outside the building earlier. And I have an idea that you have something to do with it. Do you?"

"Geez. Since it's a commontion I'm the one who immediately came to your mind?"

I act offended. Hehe. He Must not know that I was there.

"Yes. I know you so well. If you were not involved, where  were you earlier? I went up here directly when I found out there was a commotion."

Oh no.

"Okaaay I just went ouside , i bought medicine for my headache and food. It's not my fault there's no food here, I mean we have a massive fridge but there is nothing inside I can eat. I don't have anything to do with the commosion outside".

I saw feros massage his forehead and took a deep breath.

"Just make sure Sarocha coz if I found out you are involved, I'm telling you, you won't like what I'll do for you to behave".

"You make it sound like I'm a dog to behave. Do you really have to watch over me all the time? Am I that hard headed?

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You want an honest answer?"

I looked at him and I know he is now serious.
I know He is just protecting me. There was one time that I still went out though he did not allow me and I got kidnapped. Our family is known through the business world and many have interests in our wealth.

"Okay I get it. I'll behave."

"You'd better. We both know that even if we're at Central City, we still need to be vigilant. All of us."

He is now on Father mode on. I understand really. He is just protecting us.


He nodded and sat on the chair near my bedroom table.

"And by the way, I have informed Uncle Stephen that you will be joining their team. Meet him tomorrow"


He then stood up ignoring my outburst. Before he went out he faced me with a smirk.

"Make sure to clean that wound properly. Good night sis! Love you."


So yeah. That's it. If Feros said it then it shall be done.

We just finished taking our exams. Feros and Jisoo went to the Student council because they were offered a position. No elections needed. They have good records thats why. Heng and Scott went to the Crimson University Gym (CUG), ME, Irin and Tee Went to the Crimson University Field (CUF). Feros also included them to participate in school sports, He wanted us to focus on school stuff and avoid partying too much.

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