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It is already the Christmas season and most likely everyone from Mysterium Clava is already preparing on how will they spend their holiday season-well, except for me and Toby.

Why is that?

It is quite simple. Toby and I maybe are the 1% of the human being that isn't fun of any sort of celebration. Yes, we would prefer to just work on a case for the entire day rather than doing those cheesy opening of gifts every Christmas. I am just quite unlucky because I have Ate Crystal and Lucius who would force me out of my room and participate on those stupid Christmas activities that they conduct every year.

While I was sitting at my bed inside my bedroom when I heard someone knocked on the door.

Who could it be?

I stood up and walked towards the door and lazily opened it. When I opened the door that was the moment that I knew that I shouldn't have opened the door in the first place. Why? It was none other than my brother who thinks he controls it all-Lucius Dalmacio.

"What do you want? Are you here to take my room from me? Sorry, I won't give it to you." I asked him directly just in case that he wants to conquer even my room.

"Our sister is calling you downstairs to hand us some help in decorating the Christmas decorations." Lucius said with his cold and authorative voice.

I raised an eyebrow on him.

"I am busy. So, sorry and I am not sorry that I cannot help." I replied.

"Busy with what? In daydreaming on how will you not be involved in our Christmas celebration? I hate to break it to you, brother but it is impossible for you to not be involved by our sister since you are a part of this household and this family." Lucius said.

I was about to retaliate when I felt that my phone vibrated. I don't usually check my phone but just for the sake of getting him out of my sight, I grabbed my phone and check on the notification that popped up on the screen.

It was a text message from Mr. Seigmundo. What could Pops possibly want on a holiday season?

I opened the text message and read it in front of Lucius.


Craige, I am sorry to ruin your Christmas break but I need you and Toby to come here at the school campus and solve a case here. There are a group of campus maintenance that was trapped and locked on the campus auditorium in J. Moriarty Building and I believe that there was a bomb that is going to tick at any moment. We need the mind and strength of the both of you. Now.

How should I react to his message? Well, first I just wanna say that Pops, you didn't ruin my Christmas break because you just saved me from this boring Christmas activities. Then, what the hell are they doing at the campus at this season? And who on earth locked them up on the auditorium!?

I looked at my brother as a small grin flashed on my lips before I showed him the old man's text message.

"I guess that I am going to be busy now, brother." I said before I went out of the door and flew on my way to Holmes Academy.



"I already sent Craige and Toby a text message and they must be arriving any time soon because knowing them, they might want to escape the Christmas tradition of their respective families. Let us make sure that everyone is already prepared for the scene."

MYSTERIUM CLAVA (VOL. 2) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now