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After wrapping Titi's scarf round my waist, I went out to the pool to join the others. The pool was crowded and loud deafening Davido hit song was blasting from one end of the pool, trust Nigerian girls to never disappoint.

Different color, sizes filled the whole place and I was sure the girls outnumbered the guys here. Nigerian girls are beautiful. I walked past a group of guys anxiously, trust myself to feel shy walking past them. I heard hisses but ignored, I was human not a dog tho.

           "There she is".

Before I could turn around, Titi and Nana both dragged me towards the pool, I started to beg. "What are you two doing, wait please", I was still laughing when they pushed me into the pool. I let out a loud scream and my voice suddenly seized as the water got into my throat. " I hate you both!", I shouted back and watched them laughing at me.

I felt my body pressing deep into the gauzy dept of the waters, that was when I realized how deep the pool was and my legs could not reach the ground. I panicked, I couldn't swim to save my life! My heart seemed to stop for a moment and flashes of light became so faint and distant, I could hear distant muffled voices. Just then I felt a very strong arm pulling me up by my waist, I immediately wrapped my legs around them.

Seconds later, I gasped for air and found out my legs were actually wrapped around a man's waist, my hands around his neck. I looked up and could barely see his face as water was still trying to clear off my eyes. I heard Titi called and I turned my head.

           "Tracy are you okay?".
I nodded.

           "Thanks George", Nana added softly.

Just then I turned back slowly, my eyes first resting on the hard rock chest that I was still resting on, and slowly I lifted my gaze upward. He was staring down at me already and I met the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. I could see his face now, For a moment I got lost in those eyes and every other thing happening around me became distant, I could only see his face, hair finely cut, lips so full in its glorious state, even in the pool he smelt like fine coffee.

            "Hey", his voice was deep.

            "Hi", I managed to say and tried to stand alone but he pulled me back. "Thanks"

            "What were you thinking, the pool ain't that deep lady".

            "My height failed me", I said and pouted with pride. I was proud of my height anyways.

              "Then allow me hold you like this", he added and went ahead to grab my butt with both hands, pulled me up so close that I almost brushed my lips against his nose.

I lost the excitement instantly. I glared at him and tried to get down but his strong arms still held me, my arms strongly wrapped around his neck.

         "What are you doing?", I kept my eyes on his nose this time.

         "I just felt that impulse to do so, sorry", this time his voice was low. "Your friends have remained in that position for a while now", he laughed and he turned around so I could see them standing hands Akimbo.

       "You two better get ready to pay", I shouted at them, I turned back to look at him again and I remembered they had called him George. "You're George from Nana's secondary school days, yeah I see the whole hyping shit ain't a lie".

       "What did you hear about me?", he smirked.

Touching his chest lightly I said: " a Fine man is all I can say George and name's Tracy".

Was I actually flirting with this guy, I shook myself out of the whole feelings and decided I would turn and leave the pool but my body refused to obey and I looked into his eyes, he was looking at me back. "Can you take me out of the pool, it's cold".

        "You're beautiful Tracy, I mean for real", he leaned in closer to my ear and whispered, "wanna go inside for a drink?".

Later that evening, George placed a mini glass cup in front of me, I stared down at the content for a while, something I always do whenever I get served alcohol. "I don't drink George, I mean I do but not always".

           "I am here with you", he winked as he pushed the glass into my hands. " Trust me".

We were both having a good time, I found out we have absolutely nothing in common except for the fact that he was a car lover just like me. Sitting close to him felt like something I had been waiting for, the calmness in his voice and the way he smiled at me shyly, the way he acknowledges me with so much respect than any man has ever given me. And when he solemnly brush my braids off my face, I could feel lightning through my veins. It's should be the drink hitting in, I told myself.

Unlike tonight, my friends seem to notice our connection and have avoided coming over since we left the pool. Several occasions I have caught Titi staring at us and Nana giving me a thumbs up and the fuck him whisper. Whoever fucks a guy on their first meeting? I mean most ladies do but I just find it difficult. And honestly I wasn't feeling anything for George at all, the atmosphere wasn't thick, just pure heart felt chat.

I stole a glance at him this time but he was already staring at me which made me so uncomfortable, the George my friends had gushed about was a totally different person. I could still feel him staring at me, I reached for the glass and sipped slowly and enjoyed as every sip hit me with fresh wave of spirit. I looked at George again, this time he was trying to fill his cup back.

He was more calmer, I just relaxed and allowed my eyes go through him. He was tall, light skinned for a Yoruba guy I guess cause most Yoruba demons I know are always dark skinned. His hair was so neatly shaved like he just came out from the barbershop, he had this dark small garden of beards on the chin and was neatly shaved to buttress the hair line on the side of his smooth face. It was a good thing he didn't keep those disgusting full beards on both side of his face, I totally hated beards like that.

When he opened his mouth, every words made sense and I was really flowing with everything he said, he was all brains and ever since we left the pool he has been so glued to me and had refused to go back to the pool with his friends. I know guys and their gimmicks and George was no any different from the others. He was definitely playing the soft guy card while I was waiting to disappoint him later.

I already knew what was going to happen after the party and I prayed silently for us not to share contacts.

        "Maybe we could hang out some other time Tracy", he arched a brow as he stared at me.

          "Oh some other time you mean, okay". I drawled.

          "What, you don't want to meet again?", he said with this soft tone.

           "That's not what I said".

         "Here is my card then, give me a call when you get home". He stretched his hand towards me, " better still give me your phone". He looked at me suspiciously.

"I'll call you". I grinned.

I picked up the card, stared at it as I nodded slowly.

After tonight you won't be seeing me and my calls either.

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