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After I had agreed to go out with George, I followed him to one of the club house I had walked past earlier. The whole place was full and reeking of alcohol and lovely scents of Shisha filled the air. Kiss Daniel hit song, Twerktwerk was blaring from the Dj. I felt so alive and the excitement was rushing through my veins. I followed George to a table at the corner, with fewer crowds.

As we sat down, he refused to let go of my hand. We looked at each other at the same time, I laughed. As the bar man approached us, he let go off my hand reluctantly.

"Can I get a glass of strong gin and add some vermouth", George looked at me and back at the bar man, "and maybe same for my girlfriend but with little spirit". He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. The bar man came back immediately and placed two filled glass, I lifted mine to my lips and dropped it almost immediately. The smell was so konk, I turned to George. " So your plan is to get me drunk tonight?".

He laughed, " Why Tracy".

"That drink is fucking strong bro, am taking just this one shot", I told him.

Few moments later, I had doused three shots and was half way to the fourth. I was really having a great time. My head was a bit light but I was fully in my right senses too. I moved my head along with the rhythm of the song, George had excused himself. Davido's Unavailable was now blasting in the far end and I danced to it.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Him walk back from wherever he had gone to. Everything around him stood still and There seem to be a middle white light illuminating round him, The Polo Shirt he had on revealed eye catching muscles, thick arms, every stride he took towards me matched the beating of my heart. He flashed a smile towards me, and I melted.

He came to a stop behind me, leaned closer and whispered so close to my ears that his hot breathe pelted my skin and sent hot chill down my spine, "Wanna dance".

"What, No way", I laughed so heartily and pushed him away gently. "How do I dance in an office wear George". I still had on my grey pant trouser and my company's button up tshirt together with my Nike slippers.

"You've refused to change into something else". Saying that he pulled me up to my feet.

"I thought you were going to take me to a restaurant or somewhere quiet, not a club."

He opened his eyes wide and shook his head continuously, "Babe it's Friday and the club is the best place", saying that he pulled me to a corner, where the music was soft and light and the crowd was less too. He pulled me against his body. "Just allow the moment Tracy, trust me".


"Please", he begged.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer, I reluctantly placed my hands around his neck and swayed rhythmically, keeping my eyes on his chest. I know too well to avoid his eyes. We swayed like tress being caressed by soft autumn breeze.

The feelings was so nuptial, his strong body felt like a tower over my mini frame, I felt his wall guarding mine, my heart beat didn't stop and I swear I could feel his too. His finger dug lightly into my waist as he caressed them, I wanted to remain in this place forever. For just that moment I wanted this to be so true that I felt water at the back of my eyes, I quickly blinked them back, I was so caught up in the swelling of my heart.

His grip on my waist tightened and he pulled me so close it felt like he was trying to pull me into his own body. His lips connected to my neck and I shivered as his tongue brushed the side of my neck, I closed my eyes. The silence between the both of us was loud, I knew he wanted the same thing.

"Hey", he whispered, his tone thick and weak at the same time.

I dared to look him in the eyes and I got lost in his big brown eyes. Maybe I didn't know what to do but all I did next was to Stand on my toes and planted a kiss on his lips. His eyes closed gently and opened again, his mouth twitched into a smile and as I began pulling away he leaned forward and kissed me back, this time more intimate than I had done. He sucked at my bottom lip, his teeth lightly pinching at them.

I let out small moans and opened my mouth to take him in. His tongue touched mine, making me pull him closer as I brushed my waist against his. We were both oblivious of the people around us. The music was still faint, people were clinging glasses together.

"I love you", he breathed out softly.

"What?", my lip was still entwined with his and I couldn't seem to get his word right.

"You heard me Tracy", he continued to kiss me.

"What?", I was still lost in his arms and every words sounded so distant. I was so engrossed with our kiss.

He gently pulled away and took my face in his hands as I looked at him, I was still trying to recover from the kiss. "I said I love you Tracy".

Just then I became aware of our environment, I looked at him and stepped back. Looked around and saw that people were actually minding their own businesses. "I need to go home George".


"No George, we're not doing this", I turned to leave but he pulled me back into his arms again. I struggled a little but he tightened his grip around me.

"Why do you always run anytime I wanna get close to you. What are you afraid of?", he pushed me against the wall, caging me with his hands. "I know you feel the same way too but you always wanna run".

"I'm afraid of everything George. You, this, us, everything". I looked away, there was no where else I could run too, I was firmly caged between the wall and George's tall frame.

"Was it what you heard about me? ", he leaned closer and kissed me but I refused. "What did you hear about me? ", he was becoming impatient now.

"A lot", I pushed again but he still won't budge. "George you a player, I don't want you to come into my life and treat me like you do these girls out there".

He licked his lips, looked up at the ceiling as if not sure of what next to do. He dropped his hands and stepped back. I saw the look in his eyes, the excitement had left them.

  "I will never treat you bad and that's the truth Tracy. I fucking do love you, I do. I get it now, Whatever Nana had told you were all true but that was then Tracy, I have never begged a woman for love and I never want to ever beg for that but you Tracy, with you I just want to be different", he sounded so pained. "I don't mind doing anything to have you and yes I want to make love to you so badly that my head hurts and I have shut out all the girls in my life cause of you. Ever since I met you, I have never seen another woman and that's the fucking truth".

He turned and walked away but turned back almost immediately he had left. He walked back, this time he moved so close to me that I could feel the heat between us. Then he said: "Wait so you just going to allow me walk away? Like you would watch me leave?".

I blinked continuously, I didn't know what to say to him. I wanted to laugh and sob at the same time. I wanted him, I want to be his woman, I wanted to tell him I feel the same way but the look in his eyes were confusing the hell out of me. "I don't know what to say to you George", I finally replied and walked away from the heat.

He followed me quietly, we got to the parking lot and he angrily got into his car and slammed the door shut. I contemplated on allowing him drive me back to my house or take the long walk alone.

The ride back to my apartment was a really long one, quiet, rough, tension filled and he refused to slow down.

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