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Months had passed, George and I also bloomed in love with each other. There were goodnight kisses, warm hugs, spanking and never ending smooching on his couch, on his kitchen island and even inside his car at every parking lot we ever found ourselves in. There are Nights when we don't want to say goodbyes and end up kissing for long hours, night clubs George took me too every Friday night.

There were also every Sunday Church service I had to force George to tag along even when he always refuses and tries to delay in getting ready, Friday and Saturday's love making spree and sex lectures he never fails to practically give to me. I was so deep into this whole commitment thing with George, my whole heart was his and any iota of doubt I had was fading. I had met his friends during this period and I never liked the Seun guy, maybe because he talks too much. But they were good friends.

George had introduced me to his mom when she came around and I had also met his sisters twice and I couldn't help but feel so grateful for how special his family had treated me, he had met mine too and even tho I was still scared to see a future with him I was hopeful for this love to remain and to just enjoy every bit of it. I just wanted to be in this feeling for eternity, George was making me feel every ounce of love any man would ever give to me.

I blinked continuously, as if to wake up from this beautiful dream as I stare quietly at the man my heart was beating for. I traced a finger lightly across his full lips, lips that worked magic every time they kissed me, lips that ate me to inebriety.

He was sleeping like nothing else existed, his full lashes rested perfectly on his smooth light skin, the sharp nose I never failed to admire. He was an epitome of a perfect man, a fine man. He shifted in his sleep, his eyes flew open and he struggled to keep them open. I got lost in them, my body trembled as he pulled me close.

"You awake, it's still midnight babe", he murmured incoherently, Our naked bodies brushing each other's like magnets.

I wasn't sleepy, I was aching for his touch. I slid my hand downwards in between our bodies, under the duvet and touched his penis, he gasped softly and opened his eyes. He chuckled softly, I took that as a green light and I went ahead to caress his shaft slowly, he started to moan and kissed me. I pushed him against the bed and climb atop of him, his eyes glowed with surprise.

"Trac-", he choked on his remaining words as I drove his penis into my pussy. I sat comfortably and began moving back and forth, I started off slowly, moving my waist in circles as I felt him touching every corners of my walls. God this was so good, his hand grabbed my waist gently, his eyes staring deep into mine. He was hitting every walls of my vagina and it ignited crazy sensations.

I was doing things I never thought I would do in my entire life, here I was riding a man like a Mexican man would on his dark horse. My pace increased, my legs were trembling that I had to lean forward for support. He grabbed at my butt and squeezed at them so hard that it drove his penis deeply into me, I let out a loud cry as waves of sensation rushed through me. Our skin met with each other at every pace, the energy surging through me was unbelievable.

I couldn't go on any longer, he noticed it so he grabbed at my waist to hold me still while he fucked every ounce out of me while I screamed like a mad woman.

God this was paradise on earth, my eyes swirled in the dimness of the room. I felt the juice rush up to my brains, his pace heightened and as he pounded my pussy so hard, the sound of our body hitting each other became loud. I didn't care about my loud cries, this man was driving me crazy. I was shaking atop of him as he continued in a high pace, I continued to roll my eyes back and forth as if they were about to fall out of their sockets.


"Please, don't stop", I didn't know what else to do. I tried to push his hands away but George won't budge and he went wild and pounded me harder like a raging man. I screamed as something inside of me exploded, my walls tightened around his penis as he kept fucking me."Please, don't stop, please", I started to cry, the feeling was so good. Just then I felt so much liquid gushing out of my pussy and the feelings it brought almost had me fainting.

I hit his chest so hard that he grabbed at my wrist to stop me. The feeling that erupted in me had me shaking like a wet puppy, he finally stopped. I could see him grinning but I was too caught up in the feelings and I closed my eyes and laughed .

"That's it, that's it", he finally said.

"What just happened?", I asked. This was the first time he was making love to me this hard and God I loved it.

"Everything my love ", he said as he laughed.

I was still caught up in the frenzy that I forgot he was still inside me. I looked down and hurriedly got up to rush to the bathroom but his hand pulled me back to bed.

"Wait George, I want to clean up first", I begged.

"We will clean up together, but first I wanna hold you in my arms", he looked at me.

"You poured your stuff inside of me George, I need to clean up", I pulled but he pulled me back. " Please".

"You don't have to and I already threw your contraceptives away babe. You should stop now.", he added slowly.

I stared at him in disbelief. "What? Why would you do that, I can't have a baby now George, I mean I don't want to get pregnant yet."

How the hell do I explain to my family and friends that I got pregnant for a man who isn't my husband? How? What if I fall pregnant and he disappears? I shook off that negative thoughts.

"What you mean you can't get pregnant yet?", he let go of my hand and sat up. "I wanna have babies with you Tracy."

"Like this?", I hissed and matched into the bathroom. I came out after confirming he actually did throw away my pills, I was beginning to get upset. "Am not going to have a child outside wedlock George". I started putting my clothes on. I was going to get my pills back in the morning, after all he got them for me in the first place to prevent the same thing.

"Then let's get married Tracy", he said so loud that the clothes dropped from my hands.

I looked at him.

"Yes Tracy, marry me."

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