21 💋.

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If you finally get to this page, I want to say a very big thank you for riding along with me on this journey, kisses.

I hope you had a great time reading my work and thanks to you I'll be able and inspired to write more. I have a lot I want to put down here and I look forward to still catching your attention.

A virgin at 26, was inspired by a lot of things. Since I am an imaginative guru, I have had this piece in my head for years now and since I was turning same 26 today I decided to put down this beautiful piece.

Confession: while writing this work, I became emotional at some point mostly at the last chapter of this work, I had written that part with so much emotions. It' felt so real at some point and I loved the experience it gave to me. This was my fastest work ever too and Remember this is a fictitious work and names and activities portrayed here are all imaginations coming to reality on here.

I hope you look forward to more of my works, and I promise to be more consistent on here and watch out as more mins blowing stores are updated here!

Thanks to you once again, kisses 💋

VIRGIN AT 26!Where stories live. Discover now