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Sunday afternoon.

I sat in my sitting room, my friends were with me. This was our usual Sunday afternoon rituals, drinks, play games and of course talk about our dirty little secrets, talk about girls. I spilled out the whole Tracy and I affair and I ended up regretting the whole idea. I should have listened to Tracy's advice and gone to church instead of having this fucking Sunday rituals with these guys.

"Omo guy so you finally knack this babe", Seun said as he continued clapping his hands.

"You said so guy, and you do ahm", Chuks added. "You the real bad nigga brother, Omo how you take let that girl fall".

"You have every girl wrapped around your finger, baddest guy. Fine boy shit", Seun said.

"Onto the next one brother", Chuks hailed me as it was our usual custom whenever we met with new ladies.

I glared at them in belief, of course that was what we do here in Lagos. I wasn't expecting less from them either and listening to them was aching me in my brain. My brain was shutting down already.

"But that girl is so cheap, didn't even take you three months to fuck her after the not so interested stunts she was pulling at you", Seun blurted out.

Something suddenly snapped in my head.

"What did you just say?", I said and began to rise to my feet, my fist folded, "What did you just say Seun?".

"Bro bro chill", Chuks stood in between and pushed me back gently.

"No I said what did he just say?", I could fill the bitterness in my mouth already.

"Chill dude, I didn't mean it okay", Seun said unapologetically. He added, "It's not like you want this girl or something and it's your ways so what's th-".

Before he could finish his sentence, I pushed Chuks away and rammed my fist on Seun's face so hard that the walls of my knuckles hurt. I grabbed him on the collar and gave him another blow before he could say another word. Chuks pulled me with all his might before I could let go, the blood on his lip consoled me a little as I stepped away.

Chuks yelled, "What did you do that for?"

Seun stared at me in disbelief, he cleaned the blood off and just sat licking his wound.

"I love Tracy, y'all better know this and get it right. I ain't joking with her either. She ain't cheap for God sake", I shouted at the top of my voice. "She ain't cheap and I ain't playing with her too, I am not playing any more games, not anymore. I love her, God I fucking do".

I turned around to leave the room but sat down instead, I was so mad right now. They don't even know nothing about love, all our lives we've been having fun or so I thought but meeting Tracy changed that and I was not ready to loose her. From the beginning I knew it was her, it was as if all my life have been searching and then Tracy showed up. I have never felt so much happiness by a woman in my entire fucked up life and here I was being reminded of all the ugly shit have done.

"But to be honest, you George know that's not true. I mean its you George, its you remember", Chucks chipped in quietly.

"What you mean?", I glared at Seun again, hoping he would just remain silent.

But he didn't, "Which kind question be that baba, we've been friends for long and I know you too well. You can never stay committed to any woman", Seun said and moved away. "So you hit me because of woman bro. "

"If you say shit about her again, I will give you another", I said angrily.

"We've all lost count of the many women you've hit on George and moved on to another, yunno all this things guy. Saying you love Tracy or want to be committed now is bullshit, you know this George. No dey cap."

"God you guys are delirious. I really do like this girl, I wish you guys would see past all those shit, God! ". I looked from one person to the other, they just stared back at me. They weren't going to ever take me serious.

"You said almost the same thing the last time you met that white lady, remember? ", Seun muttered and added mockingly, "After you fucked her and didn't enjoy a thing you blocked her, Abi you don forget. Should I continue to remind you of Amaka, Sheila or is it Joy."

"Tracy is fucking different!", I shouted again but they both looked away, Seun picked up the bottle of wine and drank straight from it while Chucks took the game pad and started searching for one he would play.

Why was I stressing over these two? I love Tracy and that was the truth, I just wanted them to see exactly what I meant after all they were my family and I needed someone to share the feelings with, I needed someone to talk to and pour out what I have never felt in my whole life. But there was no way these two were going to take me serious, Never.

"Tracy's a virgin, I mean she was before I made love to her ". I didn't know when I let it out.

I finally got their attention.

They stared at me for a long time, I know I caught them off guard. Of course in their entire life they have never met a virgin, in fact we've all debated several times how there was no virgin in Lagos, Nigeria anymore.

Even I was still trying to wake up from that beautiful dream, with her soft cries melting my heart, her lips, that birth mark on her nipple side which was now my favorite part. How tight her pussy had been that night and after, how I had carried her into the bathroom for a wash and had returned to see blood stains on the beddings. God how lucky I was!

I whistled triumphantly, still waiting for my guys to say something but it seemed they both lost their tongue. Of course they knew I would not pull such a stunt about a virgin, they looked stunned.

"That poor girl just made the greatest mistake of her life trusting you George, she should just run from you brother", Seun said bitterly. "And don't you dare come for me cause imma burst your head this time", he added angrily.

"Why are you bothered about that Seun?", I turned towards him.

"Bothered? No bro, you know you always idolize sex and never fail to jump from one pussy to another. What am bothered about is the girl, for someone who has kept herself for that special person she obviously wouldn't want to get jilted. And truth is you my friend will fuck her up."

"He just said the damn Truth George. You fail in commitment", Chuks chipped in quietly.

"Discussing Tracy with you guys was a big mistake, am not jilting anyone. I just needed you two to see how I feel and not condemn me, God this was supposed to be an honest brotherly conversation and not all this condemnation ."

I stood up and walked out on them.

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