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Work was closed for the day, I checked my wrist watch and saw it was already past 5pm. I sat patiently at the front of the bus, waiting patiently too for the bus to get filled up. It was 5:35pm on a Friday and as custom the bustling ojota bus stop was at it peak, people were moving in different directions, some were walking as if someone was after their life or something.

Life in Lagos was one of survival of the fittest and the craziest part was Lagos was full of life and you never want to miss it. You see Friday nights in Lagos, you just don't want to miss that. I already had my Friday night planned out, I was going to prepare chicken pepper soup and eat them alone with a cold bottle of Bailey cream.

"Palmgroove, Onipan, One person". The conductor shouted.

I turned around to confirm if truly it was actually one passenger that was remaining to fill up the bus cause most Lagos conductors know how to lie a lot, I checked my bag if I had extra lower currencies like hundred naira and two hundred naira so I won't be fighting one conductor over my change after all the stress at work today.

The bus left the park shortly after, the ride home was a rough one and I instantly regretted. The bus didn't miss stopping at every corners, I just wondered what it would be like having a car of my own. I sighed and just watched every advert stickers on each BRT terminal we passed and I couldn't help but allow my mind to drift off.

I have always had it in mind to get myself a car or better still move to Ojota or Ikeja since it's closest to my work place. And getting a car for myself were mere promises to myself with no fulfillment, I laughed so hard as I recalled the list of cars I had written down at home and the amounts to be saved each month just so I could get the one I had chosen. There was a time I almost applied for a car loan at work, God.

Toyota has always been my favorite car brand but I had settled for an Hyundai Sonata sedan, it was economical and the size was just perfect.

"Tracy you have really dreamt a lot", I mumbled to myself.

I got down from the bus at my stop and continued the downward journey into my street. My apartment building was just a few blocks away, the street was bubbling as usual, the night clubs by each sides of the street were alive. Different genres of music were blasting from loud speakers, it was a really beautiful atmosphere.

I walked slowly, taking my time to savor the sweet aroma of pepper soup coming from one of those Club, I was so sure of preparing my own chicken pepper soup tonight. My house came into view and I slowed down a little, it was Friday and I had the whole weekend unplanned and to myself. The apartment I stayed in, it was more of a mind your affair type of building. I barely even know my neighbors, the last time I got to meet one they had turned out to be a group of big boys who had ended up inviting me over and I have never visited them once.

"Maybe I should do some tidy up", since it's been a while I cleaned my apartment thoroughly. The gate was slightly opened so I pushed it gently and walked inside.The compound was empty except for a black Range Rover sport parked close to my block, loud music was coming from one of the apartments and I knew it was from the big boys.

I turned towards the corner and walked towards my apartment, I came to a stop in front of my apartment. Someone was standing in front of my gate, I took a few step forward and stopped again as he turned around.



He was standing there. My brows knitted questioningly, I dropped my bag from my shoulder and searched for my keys. God how I wanted to run into his arms. I could not say a word, my hands began to shake and just then I forgot where my keys were. I searched again and found them. I looked up at him, he was looking at me already and I lost my tongue at that moment.

I walked to my door and tried to unlock it but the key seemed quite bigger than the lock today, I cursed quietly. Why was this happening now? This was the same key I used in opening my door for God sake.

"Let me", he said softly and reached out.

George's hand brushed mine as he took the keys from me, I jerked away slowly. He opened the door perfectly that I felt so ashamed of myself, he stepped back and I walked inside and as expected the almighty George followed suite without invitation.

I dropped my bag on a couch and turned around quickly, I didn't know he was so close behind and I bumped into him. As usual, he pulled me to himself.

"You okay?", he asked.

Of course I was not okay, what was he doing here. I was excited and confused, I pushed away gently from his arms. He was so full of surprises I guess and was so good at showing up unannounced.

"You sure know how to show up at peoples house unannounced", I finally said as I took off my shoes.

"I tried staying away but I couldn't", he groaned softly, " I just couldn't Tracy".


I switched on the Tv and acted as if he was not in the room with me. This was what I had been waiting for a long time now but I was too proud to run into his arms as my heart yearns for.


"George I honestly don't know what you doing in my house".

"You know that's not true, Titi told me everything after I called her to talk about you since Nana was bluffing me off every chance she gets", I looked up at him immediately. "I get it Tracy, but can we go somewhere else and talk".

"We can talk in my house George".

What had Titi told George this time around, God my friends were the ones after my life. I just knew it. Did she tell him how I had enjoyed his touch, the kisses. I moaned and instantly regretted, George was staring at me questioningly.

"What you say Tracy, can we talk?".

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