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It's been weeks after the pool party, I slowly got out of bed, glanced at the wall clock as I tried putting on a shirt. How the hell was I waking up at 7 on a Sunday morning?

My Sunday usually started with casual late waking ups and extra hour of laying in bed staring at nothing and caught in between getting out of bed or just laying sprawled the whole day. I lazily dragged myself into the bathroom for a quick face wash and brushed my teeth.

I trudged out into the living room. I looked around, I felt my mouth twitched into a smile. That satisfying smile.

I so much loved my little space, not rich but elegant. Just perfect for a single lady, mini sitting room and a kitchen so small that all Lagos landlords need to be arrested for that crime. Lagos Houses, especially rented ones mostly managed sharing. A plot of land could be used to build twenty apartments here in Lagos and one would end up having a kitchen so small that it could fit just one person. I looked round and finally walked into my little kitchen, my second peaceful space in my apartment after my bedroom. I honestly don't think any room could take the place of my bedroom, that space was soothing.

I turned on the kettle to boil water for a quick coffee just then my phone rang. My coffee was so important so I finished making it before going back to the room to check on my phone. Titi was always the first person to call, but Nana had called instead and I wondered if any of these ladies were to be my mother I definitely would have disowned her a long time ago.

         "Nana you no Dey sleep", I sat down as she answered.

          "Has he called you yet?".

           "Who?", my heart started to race and I knew who he was.

             "George, he has been asking for your number and I had to give it to him yesterday. You guys didn't exchange numbers that night?".

           "He gave me his card but I can't find it", I looked over at my bedside table, George's card was lying innocently on it. "Since he's gotten my number he should call".

        "He will and I also added your home addre"-

I didn't even wait for her to finish talking, "You did what, why would you do that? What if he shows up?".

        "He asked for it Tracy, and I did you a favor there".

       "Favor? Are you mad?". I blurted out

She hung up.

Was He actually with my address? What if he shows up? What should I put on? Should I put on a wig? God my hair was a mess, I rushed towards where I hung all my wigs and started going through them. I settled for a long brownish wavy wig.

             " What's all this Tracy", I scratched my head, "why do all these things. I should just dress normal everyday and wait". He definitely will show up.

I noticed my heart hasn't stopped racing, I patted it gently. The excitement I felt was natural, I had always felt that way around guys and the thought of having George in my house was totally different. I suddenly felt so eager to see him, and the memory of his face came flooding unfiltered. Was he actually coming to see me?

Everyday I have walked past his phone number on my table, my hands were always itchy to dial them but I just couldn't bring myself to. After hearing all his escapades with other ladies from my friend, the last thing I wanted was to have anything to do with that man.

Throwing the wig away, I got down to watch Tv.

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