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Sunday mornings.

A very typical day where I usually get up at 7 in the morning to prepare for church and close to 8:30am I'm out of the house on my way to church but here I was laying all sprawled in bed, sulking and having last nights memory all playing up in my head.

Saying I had a good night rest was an understatement, I was engrossed in the whole George's thing. I've always hated myself anytime I allow any man touched me but with this man last night, I had no regrets and the honest truth was I craved for more. I had gone to bed last night with a new yearning that even after touching myself over and over again I still didn't get the satisfaction I needed. What had happened last night was still playing rent free in my head that I couldn't help but think about the whole scene over and over again, with the feeling rousing up my nipples.

His touch, how he had smelled so good, like minted coffee and those soft full lip that would make any woman want more of it, His teeth scrapping lightly on my nipples, the way his fingers had touched my pussy so gently I could barely contain. I was so confused. This man had me exceeding the limits I had drawn up for myself and had me wanting more of it, more of everything he would give.


Nana stories about him reminded me of where my place would be in his life when I let my guard down again.

What if he is a changed man now.

Before I did get myself in his mess, I would shut him out totally. How the hell did we even get here? How? And now here I was missing church on a good ol' Sunday all because I still wanted more of his touch. I reached out to my phone, dialed Nana's number and waited for her to answer her phone.

Telling Nana would make me feel better, I could ask her to try and get something out of Him, make him talk. Maybe he would tell her he actually do liked me, he loves me. That he was not going to hurt me or test me and run. Maybe he would tell her he really wasn't joking about me and he wants me and he was serious about the whole thing.

God I was crazy.

Nana didn't answer the call, I could just forget about the whole thing. Was I thinking about him too much? I don't even know this guy, last night was our second meeting and here I was having him fill up my whole entirety. The only truth I kept lying to myself was that the first night I met him, I had this unwavering feeling about him and it was not love at first either.

What was he thinking? Was he thinking about last night too? Am I all caught up in his head like he is in mine? Has he told his friends about me? Did he get any rest at all? God I was clouding up my head with this guy.

"Girl get a hold of yourself ", I cried out. I was beginning to feel so desperate right now, I just wanted to know if he wants me too and everything he had said last night I wanted it so badly to be true too. Was I in love with this man already?

Damn right you are.

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